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Know Your Fabric

Know Your Fabric

linen 1 Know Your Fabric

Impeccable tailoring and fitting, the softest of fabrics, and the highest thread counts. These make for a suit to die for. The Raymond Man doesn’t have, women fawning over him for nothing. They want a piece of that suit for themselves. You can be your own Raymond Man by simply knowing about the right fabric and material when buying a suit.

A fabric for all occasion? Not possible! Each part of the day calls for a different texture. Each texture calls for a different personality. Take a look at some of the fabrics, which most suits come in and make a wise choice for your next dinner party.

Almost every modern suit is made of wool. It can be called versatile and dynamic because of its wrinkle resistance and longevity.

Wool Know Your Fabric

The wool can make for an ideal suit for its ability to absorb moisture, and thus be comfortable on the hottest summer days. Common wool suits come in Merino, Cashmere, and Angora.

A really heavy fabric, that doesn’t breathe much. This material can keep you warm on the chilliest of days. However, flannel has gone down in popularity since it starts to peel and wear out early.

flannel Know Your Fabric

The flannel suit is thick and worsted with a wool and cotton mix. It is similar to tweed and herringbone suits but has a much softer feel. This would still be lighter than most winter suits.


cottton Know Your Fabric
Highly durable fabric is found everywhere, making this very popular in hotter countries. However, a lot of problems come attached with this material mostly to do with staining and wrinkling. This material is easy to breathe, absorbs moisture, and makes for a comfortable fit, keeping you cool throughout most months. This fabric thus, falls into the practical and easy-to-maintain department.

Linen suits look amazing on men. One of the most comfortable options in the suits department, they have been the oldest materials in the world.

linen Know Your Fabric

They are light and moisture-resistant, which makes them great for the summer. They are also machine washable; meaning you won’t have to try and find a good cleaner to do your job. The only downfall – it is not at all wrinkle-free, thus you have to be very careful as to how you manage the whole look.

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This fabric is more like the tweed suit when it comes to the weight and feel of the material. It has a zig-zag pattern that can be recognized from afar. This suit has been ideal for the dull grey winters and is applauded for its durability and longevity. Wrinkle-free, this fabric was highly popular in the 1940s.

herringbrone Know Your Fabric

They are the heavier forms of a woolen suit and are made of coarse woolen material. The tweed also has a distinctive pattern. Best for winters, this is yet to regain its popularity with the masses.

Silk is one of the most comfortable cloth to be made a garment out of. Extremely smooth, they keep your body cool in warmer climates. They have a regal quality about themselves as they shimmer and shine apart from the rest.

Threads to count
Thread count is mostly attributed to your bed sheets, but you may be surprised to realize that suits benefit from the same increase in thread count. The count does not only determine the price but also the quality and level of comfort the fabric is going to display.

Also, another keynote – The thread count in the world of suits is called a ‘Super’ number.
The higher the number the more delicate the fabric is going to be. For those who cannot afford a new suit every year, be sure to go for lower thread counts. A super of about 100 would be considered as a good thread count while the more expensive suits come around a super of 500 or more. Some of the most expensive off-the-rack suits are made by Kiton and Canali which have a super starting at 450 and their price can go up to 1 lakh or even more. For a more practical approach try to buy one in the lower hundreds. They are durable andhighly comfortable.

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