For a man to be well-groomed, presence or absence of his beard and moustache plays a very big role. And whatever may be the look that you opt for, a shaving kit… err, a good shaving kit can go a long way to give you the desired results, which you feel comfortable with.
Now, I am a man who likes to keep his beard and moustache going, but even that needs a bit of work every now and then, and that is where I felt the need to have a good shaving kit.
Tried quite a few, but what stood best to my satisfaction was Spruce Shave Club!
What Spruce Shave Club has done for me, is give my beard (when worked upon), a well-groomed look, which when left unattended; look weird and a horror show to say the least.
What’s so good about it, you ask?
To start off with, the 5x Starter Set Razor has the best in its class finesse, and additional trimmer blade for styling, to give you a close and burn-free shaving experience.
The anti-clog design is made for an easy rinse, while the Aloe Vera and Vitamin E lubricating strip leave no mark of stress on the skin and allows the blade to float like a boat set free on butter!
The metal handle of the razor is ergonomically designed with a rubberized grip for maximum control. In simple words, you are the boss of the shave, not the razor, as it pleases!
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A bit about the shaving brush!
Spruce Shave Club shaving kit comes with a super premium shaving brush. It has an exotic and classy wooden handle with the softest bristles that guarantee a shave like never before. It look classy, it feels classy and it shaves classy.
Topic over!
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What about the shave gel?
This shaving kit from Spruce Shave Club comes with two types of shave gels.
One with lemon and ginger and the other is based on tea tree oil and Aloe Vera.
These herbal shaving essentials are sulphate and Paraban free, thereby, gives you a very organic feel, which I am sure most of the other brands fail to provide with.
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Well wait, there is more!
No shaving regime can be termed ‘complete’ till the finishing and soothing touches are not provided via a good post shave balm. The Spruce Shave Club shaving kit comes enriched with Vitamin E for hydrating and re-energising the skin with a tinge of lemon citrus fragrance.
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One of my friends once said, I am in love with words and a zoned out poser... well, I will keep it the way it has been said! Besides that you can call me a compulsive poet, wanna-be painter and an amateur photographer