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Vineet Wadhwa Of FIO Kitchen & Bar

Vineet Wadhwa Of FIO Kitchen & Bar

vin Vineet Wadhwa Of FIO Kitchen & Bar

A mastermind behind countless successful ventures all across the globe, and with over thirty years of work experience, Vineet Wadhwa, is a name to reckon with.

7065543It is his sheer expertise that FIO Kitchen & Bar has become a hotspot for all the page3 parties in the city in a little over four years. caught up with the man himself to have a brief chit-chat on his journey so far…

SR: FIO Country Kitchen & Bar has seen an unparallel success in Delhi. What do you think is the secret?
VW: The secret of success behind FIO is perhaps best hidden in the passion and constant ability to take the pressures. On the surface best visible are the reinventions in stylizing the dining experience.

SR: How did you come about it though?
VW: Perhaps it is within my personality to get bored with the same things, hence, the mind is constantly reinventing.

SR: FIO entered the market, when it was on a meltdown (or so they say), what were the challenges that you and your team had to face. And how did you overcome those?
VW: The challenges that we faced initially was brand identity and a tuckedin location. But we overcame these challenges, by using various tools in marketing, now common to all. Also, being handson saved a lot and brought a lot of quality addition.
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SR: Thirty years is a long time to work. How and from where do you derive the energy to continue and come up with successful business plans?
VW: There is a personal belief that one is dead in mind, if not constantly yearning with ambitious energy.

SR: You have worked in countries like Dubai, Kuwait and Bratislava before. How different is Indian market compared to these geo-locations?
VW: Indian market is still conservative to an extent. Family dining continuous to be the prime, unlike worldwide, where nuclear dining is the prime.
SR: What is the core of your marketing strategy, not only for FIO, but for your other ventures too? And what do you think Indian market lacks in the domain?
VW: The core of my marketing strategy is to approach Food and Beverage as an experience with humility and humbleness. Unfortunately, most of the Indian market is on the number game formula.

SR: They say – everything can go under recession, but people will still drink and eat. Does that help in running the business?
VW: No, recession affects everything.Eating out is always a luxury like clothing and white goods.Eating at home or in a cafeteria is a necessity.

SR: What do you think is the operative capacity of Indian Hospitality industry? You think it still is to realize its own potential completely?

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VW: Indian Hospitality is on the threshold to cross over the 50% border line and has a long way to go.

SR: What are your expansion plans with FIO?
VW: FIO intends to open another company owned outlet and will expand innovatively with Cuisines & Concepts in the near future. Another vertical, a scaleable model of mini FIO Cookhouse is on the anvil.

SR: Do you have plans to take it under any Five Star Hotel’s roof or FIO will always be an off-site asset?
VW: We are receptive to the idea of interesting locations may it be anywhere. The core creative cell will always work boutique. whereas. the brand imagery will always be luxury and five star.SR: Last but not the least– what does future hold?

VW: The untold about future is the constant ability to change and innovate with every passing moment. FIO will always change and innovate in Cuisines & Concepts. The synergy of all cuisines of the world is the future.

– Sandeep Verma

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