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Best Kettlebell Workouts

Best Kettlebell Workouts

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Though heavy lifting, Cardio, Kick-Boxing, swimming, martial art, and Krav Maga, all of them are considered to be fierce means to attain supreme fitness, there is one more that we think we all ought to add to our routine. And that is Kettlebell exercises.

Resembling a mini bowling ball with a handle, kettlebells are great for cardio, strength, and flexibility training that go a long way in helping you attain a healthy body.

A lot of researchers have found it to be the best tool for improving your posture, shredding calories, and packing on muscle. What makes them an interesting proposition is that their weight isn’t evenly distributed, therefore, your stabilizer muscles tend to work harder and add definition to your shoulders and back; toning your butt, core, and arms.

Here is a list of a few kettlebell workouts that can make some wonderful changes to your body in the long run…

Two-handed kettlebell swing
Shoulders, back, hips, glutes, legs

Stand up straight, with feet a bit wider than hip distance apart. Hold the kettlebell with both hands, keeping the palms facing down and arms in front of the body. Maintain a slight bend to the knee and drive the hips back, lowering the body, but not as low as you do while doing squat

In a smooth motion (it should come from the hips and not the arms), explosively drive the hips forward while swinging the kettlebell, keeping the glutes and core engaged.

Lower the weight back down between the legs and then repeat.

Number of sets: 12-15 (build on it when your body starts responding to the regime).

Kettlebell high pull
Shoulders, arms, glutes, legs
Turn your toes out 45 degrees with feet a bit wider than shoulder-width apart. Now place the kettlebell on the ground between both legs and begin to squat while keeping the core engaged. Grip the kettlebell handle with one hand. Then, using force from the hips, push through the heels to rise to stand, pulling the kettlebell upwards while the elbow drives up. Lower back down and switch arms

Number of sets: 12-14 for each arm. 4 sets

Kettlebell front squat
Legs, glutes, back

The value and intensity of doing a squat increase when you do it with a kettlebell. To get the best results, hold the kettlebell in front of the chest with both hands and stand up straight while keeping the elbows close to the body. By driving the heels into the ground start squatting and push the hips back until the thighs are parallel to the ground or just below.

See Also

Number of sets:15-20 reps. 4 sets

Kettlebell slingshot
Back, arms, abs, obliques

Keep feet shoulder-width apart, and hold the kettlebell in front of the body, arms extended at chest level. Swing the kettlebell behind the back with one hand, then reach back with the opposite hand to grab it, swinging the kettlebell to the front of the body. Number of sets: 10-12 reps in each direction. 4 sets.

Kettlebell deadlift
Legs, glutes, arms, back, abs

Stand with the kettlebell between the feet on the floor. Squat down and grab a hold of the handle with both hands while the back remains flat. Engage the core, tighten those glutes, and keep the arms extended as the body rises up.

Number of sets: 12-15 reps. 4 sets.

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