Many relate protein to building muscles; however, what they do not know is that it is a good source to help you lose weight too. Research has shown that high-protein diets are a much more reliable and accurate source for people who are wondering how to lose weight easily when compared to low-protein diet. And no, you being a meat-eater, or vegetarian has nothing to do with it… this is for all my dear friends!
Here is all that you need to know about how protein is crucial when intending how to lose weight easily and how you can make sure you’re getting enough to not lose your body mass i.e. muscles!

There are primarily four reasons that support this case:
- The most important part, while you are wondering how to lose weight easily, is to make sure that you lose fat but not body mass. A high-protein diet provides you with amino acids that your body requires to do just that. It is a known fact that the more muscle you have, the more calories you burn throughout the day. More so, it makes it possible for you to get engaged in more daunting physical activities.
- Did you know that when you eat calories; in the form of protein, you give your body a chance to burn, as much as, 20-35 percent of those calories in the process of digestion? This whole process is called the thermic effect of food (TEF). That is far more than the 5 percent of calories burned by fat or the 5-15 percent required for carbs.
- What you also need to know is that a high-protein diet helps suppress appetite and may be easier to stick with than other diets. And do you not remember; the best is a diet that you can stick to?
- Protein helps you in your how to lose weight easily cause by supporting healthy blood glucose levels, further helping you control hunger and function, even when you might be running low on calories.
Now, the most important question of all!
What Do You Mean By A “High-Protein Diet”?
A high protein diet doesn’t necessarily mean that you have to follow the stereotypical bodybuilder’s diet—i.e., shakes and chicken breast three times a day. But what it does mean is that you consume between 1.3-2.3 grams per kilogram you weigh.
What you could do though is lean more to the higher side of it, if you’re hitting the gym regularly. But if you are not training in the gym then be on the lower side of it, is you have a higher body-fat percentage (more than 20% body fat for a female or 10% for a male), or are cutting calories more conservatively.
You can also read one of my other articles on how much protein is enough to get a better idea on this. Alternatively you can also read Diet Tips – Best Superfoods For Better Workout Results.
Now, Coming To What Are The Best Sources Of Protein?
Based on the Digestible Indispensable Amino Acid Score (DIAAS) method, which measures the digestion of amino acids, here is a list of meals that are the best sources of quality protein:
Whey protein
Grass-fed beef, bison, and game meats
Fish and seafood, especially wild salmon, wild cod, mackerel, sardines, shrimp, mussels, scallops, oysters, and tilapia
Chicken and poultry
Protein powders like soy isolate, pea protein, and plant-based blends
Soy products like tempeh and tofu
Seitan, textured vegetable protein (TVP), veggie burgers and dogs
Beans, lentils, and peas
Whole grains like bulgur, quinoa, and wheat
Seeds like chia, hemp, pumpkin, squash, and sunflower
For those who follow a strict vegetarian diet, here is a table for you to know your best source of proteins:
If you have any questions related to how to lose weight easily, then do leave a comment in the box below and I will try and answer the same for you.
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