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Indoor VS Outdoor Running, Which One Is Better!

Indoor VS Outdoor Running, Which One Is Better!

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Long before people became aware of fitness regimes; running has been one activity that has helped them keep fit and fat-free – albeit subconsciously. You might say – people earlier used to run to hunt, but then, it did help them remain in good shape; didn’t it?

And then, society became modern day-by-day and we saw the emergence of different methods that could help us set our training goals better – with that came; treadmills. A machine that would help you run indoors and help you achieve almost the same results as you would while running outside.

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Having said that, running on a treadmill does have its disadvantages, and believe me when I say this, for some runners, a mile on a treadmill feels like ten miles outdoors.  Keeping that in mind, I am going to try and put some light on treadmill running VS outdoor running, which hopefully will help you in the long run.

Let’s Find Out The Difference First, Shall We?
One of the disadvantages that I find when running on a treadmill is that there is no wind resistance to the body. Also, even if you keep jumping up and down on it, it records that you are running – whatever speed the belt is rotating at. On the other hand, when you are running outside the legs invariably have to propel your legs forward; pushing you through the wind resistance.

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One of the NCBI studies has proven the fact that – when you are running indoors on a treadmill, the lack of air resistance results in a lower energy cost compared with running outdoors at the same velocity. A slight incline of the treadmill gradient can be used to increase the energy cost in compensation.

In one of her articles, Caitlin Chock – shares that while running outside you mostly rely on your hamstrings to push off and finish the stride cycle, however, on the treadmill it is the quads that do the job for you, – meaning, the hamstrings remains neglected and do not get their due workout.

However, do not jump to the conclusion that outdoor running is better than indoors- not just yet!

When does Treadmill Become A Better Option To Run
The foremost advantage of a treadmill is that you can use it even when the weather outside is bad and not conducive to running. Seasons like summers or heavy rains can make it difficult for you to be able to finish your daily run without any hindrance. Also, it becomes very difficult to find a location with good footing to be able to run outside- if you already do not know a regular place to do it at.

The other disadvantages – thanks to the growing industries around the world – is the bad air quality outside, which does more harm to your lungs than offering benefits.

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Getting a decent run on a treadmill inside, Is a far better option to make your lungs or feet suffer in not-so-suitable conditions outside.

Fluid Intakes
If you are training for marathons or any specific event to participate in; it is imperative that you practice taking fluids and carbohydrates while on the run; without slowing down!

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Running at a fixed tempo allows you to intake necessary supplements that would keep your body energy level going and help you increase your stamina to attain the desired results.      

You see, just like any other activity in life, running indoors VS running outdoors has its own benefits and disadvantages. What would make it all seem right, is if you choose the right location (indoor or outdoor), as per the need of the hour and your eventual goals.

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