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Krav Maga History And Benefits

Krav Maga History And Benefits

Krav Maga 1024x640 1 Krav Maga History And Benefits

Founded by Imi Lichtenfeld– a Slovakian-Israeli martial artist, Krav Maga (KM), is a brutal hybrid form of martial arts hand-to-hand combat, which though originated in Israel, is going global at a rapid pace.

Based on his own street fighting, boxing and wrestling skills that he used to defend the Jewish quarter in the city of Bratislava, against fascist groups in the mid-to-late-1930s, Imi Lichtenfeld started training Israel’s fighting units as soon as he succeeded in fleeing from Nazi-occupied Czechoslovakia in 1942 with Krav Maga that revolutionized the concept of hand-to-hand combat.

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What is Krav Maga

When it comes to defending yourself during an unwanted situation, the rules that have been followed by many training workshops over the years, have always proved to be a bit patchy and sometimes downright impractical- if put in simple language. Most websites and training centers suggest that we learn karate, or kickboxing, which would enable us to safeguard ourselves during a possible bar brawl, or a sexual harassment case for that matter.

However, have you ever realized that none of us can actually throw a high kick while being groped in a crowded bus? Where is the space to step back, take a position, mark your attacker, and then throw a punch? These are some basic questions that get answered when you train for Krav Maga!

To give you a better and clear insight, let’s just say that the following principles define the meaning of Krav Maga and its utility in one’s life: striving for maximum versatility, using defense and attack skills simultaneously, training from positions of disadvantages, build on instinctive movements and of course remembering this phrase all the time- the fight is not over, till it’s over!

Do we really need this?

The answer is- absolutely yes! What most people miss out on is the point that traditional martial arts were designed keeping in mind the already built-up skills of the warriors. Thus, in a way, they were just an extension of what the fighters already knew. But these can not be the same set of skills that an ordinary woman or man needs to be or can be taught that easily. For the above-mentioned street and bus scenarios, Krav Maga is proving to be the perfect ally for many!

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Krav Maga is not about winning or fighting, it is all about surviving and trying to dominate the other number who is up against your face in a situation that can be best summed as dire to you. What it does is to impart you with skills that allow you to; physically know how to reach and react before something happens, and psychologically, how to be aware of your surroundings and of impending doom, if any.

Full-body Workout

If learning Krav Maga because stars such as Daniel Craig, Steven Seagal, and Jason Statham find it cool doesn’t appeal to you, then we are sure that the results that it offers will convince you enough to learn this art- for your own good!

Many trainers and practitioners of this art have got ripped and muscular bodies as continuous combat motion tones a person’s entire body, which even you can achieve while onto it. This fighting method includes aikido, ju-jitsu, judo, karate, kung-fu, military combat, and Muay Thai. Going further, Krav Maga is a noncompetitive martial art that puts an emphasis on real-world situations where efficient and brutal attacks are used and prepares you well for the challenges that you might face in the future.

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However, the top and the best reason to do Krav Maga will always be that it strengthens both your fighting skills and mind and frees you from fear.

While most of us might end up not using the fighting skills that KM imparts us with, be assured that you’re going to come out of a workout feeling empowered and much stronger.

Here’s a video that might be of your interest.

If you are a fitness enthusiast, then do let us know what is your success story, in the comment box below.

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