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Look and Feel Younger: An Anti-Aging Guide for Men

Look and Feel Younger: An Anti-Aging Guide for Men

Virat Kohli, Virat Kohli Fashion Images, Virat Kohli Pictures, MEns Wellbeing, Mens Skin Care, Skin Grooming, Skin Care for Men, Stylerug, Best Fashion Blogs India, Mens STyle Blogs India, Mens Style, Mens Grooming Tips, Mens Health, Askmen

Feeling and looking young is always one of our main goals, as who would want to actually look old and wrinkled? However, time is indeed a villain and it’s more and more difficult to keep our face completely fresh and prevent the creation of fine lines around our eyes and mouth.

Women have definitely excelled in this department, but what about men? It’s not a secret that men started visiting hair salons and plastic surgeons to a great extent in the last decade. Take a look at Australians, for example: they always look young.

So, if you want to be an Aussie in skin, there certainly are a couple of tips that can help you.

The small things that promote wellness

Virat Kohli, Virat Kohli Fashion Images, Virat Kohli Pictures, MEns Wellbeing, Mens Skin Care, Skin Grooming, Skin Care for Men, Stylerug, Best Fashion Blogs India, Mens STyle Blogs India, Mens Style, Mens Grooming Tips, Mens Health, Askmen

In order to keep your face healthy and young, you need to take care of your general health.

Think about the way you’re sleeping – if you’re not satisfied with your sleep, you need to change something. Sleeping 7 or 8 hours a night is ideal, as not only will you relax, but you will help your face not look tired as well. We all know how hard it is to get rid of the dark circles around our eyes and sleeping is the first step to achieving this.

Also, if you’re a smoker, quit smoking. This activity can make you look old as it can create wrinkles around your mouth and stain your teeth. Finally, don’t forget to eat healthy, such as plenty of vegetables and fruit.

Start with skincare

Skin is the first thing that people notice, so the most important thing is that you keep it fresh and in the best possible state. We’ve already given the example of Aussies which can help us here as well – make sure to have a good sunscreen with you at all times.

Virat Kohli, Virat Kohli Fashion Images, Virat Kohli Pictures, MEns Wellbeing, Mens Skin Care, Skin Grooming, Skin Care for Men, Stylerug, Best Fashion Blogs India, Mens STyle Blogs India, Mens Style, Mens Grooming Tips, Mens Health, Askmen

The sun rays can be extremely harmful even in winter and you want to protect your face. All Australians have amazing skin even though they are constantly in the sun, and a good sunscreen is their secret. As far as home skincare is concerned, don’t forget the Holy Trinity of skincare – cleansing, moisturizing and exfoliating.

Make sure that you clean your face and moisturize it at least twice a day and remove the dead cells off your face by exfoliating twice or three times a week. Another thing that’s great for your skin is drinking water, so make sure you drink plenty of it.

Don’t be afraid to go the extra mile

As already mentioned, more and more men are turning to different options such as going to the hairdresser more often, opting for manicure and pedicure and even plastic surgery. This is nothing to be embarrassed about, as male plastic surgery has burgeoned since 2016.

If you want a nice and fresh face why not give it just a little boost in the form of Botox? This is a very popular procedure, so you can always follow the example of the Aussies and opt for Botox in Perth or another great city in the Down Under.

Opting for Botox is a great idea, but you need to find a person you completely trust as you don’t want to end up being botched.

Dress your age

Another great tip that you should listen to is to dress your age. Being fashionable and wearing all the latest trends is definitely something you should advocate, but pay attention to what is intended for teenagers and what trends can be worn by everyone.

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All that glitters is a big no-no as you should leave wearing fashionable jewelry in the past. You can always have a good watch or a wedding ring (if you have one), and that’s more than enough. Moreover, don’t dwell on the trends from the past and never try to copy the style of an 18-year-old.


Virat Kohli, Virat Kohli Fashion Images, Virat Kohli Pictures, MEns Wellbeing, Mens Skin Care, Skin Grooming, Skin Care for Men, Stylerug, Best Fashion Blogs India, Mens STyle Blogs India, Mens Style, Mens Grooming Tips, Mens Health, Askmen

Finally, there’s always the advice on exercising.

Yes, exercise can definitely make you younger in two ways. First of all, you will most certainly feel younger after a couple of workout sessions. Your blood will be flowing in a much more natural way, and seriously – the post-workout feeling is one of the best in the whole world.

Moreover, exercise can help you maintain your tone and flexibility. It’s good for your heart, and whatever’s good for your heart is good for your brain as well.

Perhaps you’re very busy and you think there’s no time for you to hit the gym, but you have the same amount of time in the day as Beyoncé or Chris Hemsworth, so you can definitely allocate two or three hours a week to working out.

Not difficult, is it? Yes, it does require some hard work, devotion and sometimes money, but if staying young is what you want, this is the right way to do it!

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