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Goldberg Beats Lesnar At Survivor Series! Here Is How He Did It!

Goldberg Beats Lesnar At Survivor Series! Here Is How He Did It!

brock Goldberg Beats Lesnar At Survivor Series! Here Is How He Did It!

12 years in the making! Yes, that’s how long it took for Bill Goldberg and the beast incarnate; Brock Lesnar, the top two heavyweight dogs of WWE, to get back in the ring against each other at the recently concluded Survivor Series. But, contrary to the hype that Brock Lesnar would take Goldberg to Suplex City, it took merely 86 seconds, for Goldberg to pin down Lesnar; 1-2-3!

Now, I had no doubt that Goldberg would win this one, but he would win it in 86 seconds; even the most devoted fan of this powerhouse wouldn’t have thought of that. Was it scripted? May be! Was it all pre-planned? May be! But could it have been any better? Hell No! Lesnar got the ass-whooping of his life, which was long-long-long due!

Goldberg beats Lesnar, Bill Goldberg Vs Brock Lesnar, Lesnar Goldberg Survivor Series, WWE, Sports Update, Fitness Freaks, Fit Guys, Fitness Inspiration, Goldberg Lesnar Video, Goldberg 2016, Goldberg returns, Goldberg Injury, Goldberg Entrance

But, how did Goldberg do it? What inspired or fuelled him so much, that he gave Brock Lesnar, not even a chance to be on his feet for once and throw a punch at him? There are conspiracy theories going around, which say that Goldberg injured his shoulder during training in the week leading to the match, that’s why WWE decided to keep the bout short. Add to that his long absence from the ring, which could have resulted in him gassing out and eventually losing. But again, these are just theories and the fact that matters right now is- Goldberg beat Lesnar at Survivor Series!

Here are few points, which I think ticked him off real bad, to end the match the way he did!

His love for his family
Everyone knows that William Scott Goldberg (yes, that’s his real name), loves his family and can’t stand a word against them! With that in mind, it was stupid of Paul Heyman; Lesnar’s manager, to keep targeting Goldberg’s family, week after week! To insult them and use derogatory words against his wife and son was a completely stupid strategy that backfired on this loud moth duo- and backfired how!

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Power Plus Agility!
It is difficult to say who out of Goldberg and Lesnar is more powerful! But, by all means, Goldberg is much more agile and light on his feet. It was very evident, with the force that he had in his first spear that he hit Lesnar with, from literally no distance, still managing to gather full velocity and causing maximum damage after which Lesnar just could not fight back!

Goldberg beats Lesnar, Bill Goldberg Vs Brock Lesnar, Lesnar Goldberg Survivor Series, WWE, Sports Update, Fitness Freaks, Fit Guys, Fitness Inspiration, Goldberg Lesnar Video, Goldberg 2016, Goldberg returns, Goldberg Injury, Goldberg Entrance

What’s a guy, who has been missing from the big stage, got to lose when he comes back after a gap of 12 years? Nothing! Not only Lesnar was a match fit, but also had the age factor running in his favor. However, Bill Goldberg had much more to gain than to lose from this fight. A guy, who likes to be the superhero for the kids, this was one opportunity that Goldberg did not want to miss to make sure that kids around the world, see him one more time fighting in the ring, doing his superhero thing!

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