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JK Tyre 24 Hour Endurance Run

JK Tyre 24 Hour Endurance Run

OD24, JK Tyres Performance Run, Overdrive Mercedes Benz 24 hours performance run, National record at F1 track, National record for long distance, Overdrive long distance record, JK Tyres UX1, Jk Ture, Mira Erda, Overdrive Mira Erda, 24 hours run BIC, Buddh International CIrcuit

The sky was grey. The wind was cold. And there was this silence- which it seemed- was about to scream!

I walked about 50 steps to enter the racing arena and guess what; the silence did scream!

Underneath the grey sky, rubbing the shoulders with the cold wind were three Mercedes Benz C Class, fitted with JK Tyre, trying to achieve one common goal- a run of 24-hour; non-stop.

Welcome to ‘Buddh International Circuit‘, but no, this is not a race day. It is a day when JK Tyre is finishing a 24-hour run to prove to the world that even the commercially available tyres can take the heat of a production luxury car on tracks where engines roar at their loudest and the wear-and-tear is at its cruellest.

As I waited for the cars to finish what they were supposed to, I got a chance, thanks to JK Tyre, to see and experience – the game that is played behind the scene to keep things running on the track. And this took me not only to the pit-area, but also to the communication centre that has all corners of the track covered, to see every tiny detail that’s happening on those steep laps.

Remember those spy movies, read Tom Cruise and Daniel Craig, where they have this giant screen with multiple frames that help the authorities to see it all? Well, this experience was exactly that- if not more.

I was awe-struck to see the kind of detailing that goes in organizing an event like this and the expertise that is required to execute it all. What impressed me the most though was the enthusiasm of JK Tyre’ team and their leadership people who had all the patience in the world to answer every question that was directed at them.

As we the tour of the other corners continued, we were informed that Abhay, is all set to bring down the curtains with the final lap. So, we quickly marched towards the finishing line to see the creation of a new national record.

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2200km clocked in 24 hours at a Formula 1 track. 

I also came to know that, half of the driving team consisted of pro-racers who shared their experience later on and the strategies they opted for, while on the run. You can only come out with more knowledge from these sessions, and this case as no different.

As the champagne sprinkled and the cake was cut, I started walking back towards my car, looking at the sky still grey, wind still cool, but this time, there was no silence, there was elation of the JK Tyre team and then there was this proud record that it is now a part of.

My only thought?

OD24, JK Tyres Performance Run, Overdrive Mercedes Benz 24 hours performance run, National record at F1 track, National record for long distance, Overdrive long distance record, JK Tyres UX1, Jk Ture, Mira Erda, Overdrive Mira Erda, 24 hours run BIC, Buddh International CIrcuit

Well done JK team!

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