Hey guys, how is your weekend treating you so far?
Mine has been a little crazy with an overload of work and a lot of offline activities. I had back to back reviews of a couple of properties, which I think you should definitely have a look at in case you are planning a night-out or an evening with friends.
First one was for VClub Gurgaon, which you can read here: VClub Gurgaon Review
The second one was for The Beer Cafe, which you can read here: Review – The Beer Cafe
And while I busy working, I saw few images from The Burning Man music festival. I also got to know how a man died at the festival after colliding with the burning effigies, which was sad to know.
May God bless his soul!
Amid that bad news, there was an eye-pleasing sight too. Our own fashion-icon Manish Arora was spotted at The Burning Man and boy did he look hot!
I came across the images on his Instagram account and the psychedelic desert imagery, kaleidoscopic neon digital prints, and phenomenal detailing—looked nothing short of a dream. Being a psychedelic lover myself, his neo-tribal look left me, awe-struck.
Take a look below and soothe your eyes!
#manisharorafashion #manisharora #burningman2017 @eleanorpreger thank you for this pic
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PS: Pictures belong to their original owners and Manish Arora, and have been used only for distribution purposes.
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One of my friends once said, I am in love with words and a zoned out poser... well, I will keep it the way it has been said! Besides that you can call me a compulsive poet, wanna-be painter and an amateur photographer