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DJ Peri

DJ Peri

Peri DJ Peri

One big change that has happened in the Indian market of Dj’ing, is the emergence of female Dj’s who are giving the male ones a run for their money. While the numbers were low till couple of years back, the trend has changed off-late with the renaissance of some amazing ones.

One name that tops the charts in that category has to be that of DJ Peri. A beautiful babe, and an equally mind-wobbling DJ, she has hit the market aggressively recently and is loved by one and all.Here’s my conversation with her on music and more…

SV: No flirting intended ;), but it’s a great feeling to be talking to a female DJ. Do tell us about yourself. Who is DJ Peri?
DJ Peri: DJ Peri is a very confident, outgoing and professional person. I come from a highly cultured background, which involves stints in television and performing arts. I have worked in Mumbai & now have found base in Delhi behind the Turn Tables.

SV: How did you start? As in, was it a planned move or happened out of blue?
DJ Peri:
It was actually a mixture of both. It was planned that I would get into Performing arts, that is how television happened to me. But what was not planned was getting into playing music! Although music has always been a part of my daily routine, it was not planned that I would get the crowd moving to the music that I play.

SV: Do you think that Djing is a men’s world? In your opinion is it harder for girl to become a famous DJ?
DJ Peri:
The DJing circuit is male dominated for sure, but I would not completely agree that it is a male profession. Look at the likes of International DJ Nervo , she has carved out a niche for herself as far as the profession is concerned.

SV: Could you tell me in chronological manner, your music way?
DJ Peri:
I basically stick to my strong points when it comes to playing music. I play a lot of House & Progressive House, and EDM ( Electronic Dance Music)

SV: Do you feel it’s important to rep your background in what you do?
DJ Peri:
Yes it is, because music translates into a journey that you have been through and that is how I like to play my music.

SV: What as per you takes to be a good DJ?
DJ Peri:
A Lot Of practice, understanding the crowd that you play for, understanding of music and beats.

SV: What is the most difficult task of being a DJ?
DJ Peri:
To be up-to-date with the latest music trends. It becomes a little difficult in a country like India because the sense of music is only centered on Bollywood. And to understand world music you need to take your own time and work hard towards it.

SV: India has recently been hit by Psychedelic, what do you think is the reason behind it?
DJ Peri:
The reason behind this is just that the crowd in India has started to understand music and appreciate it in a much better fashion.

SV: Ever wondered what those beats and musical notes do to our soul? Ok, tell us about you… what do they do to you?
DJ Peri:
It just transports me into a different world altogether… It’s something mystical & magical, both at the same time

SV: You have played with celebs like DJ Shadow, Dr Zeus, Jaggy D etc… How has been the experience (I must add that I envy your life like crazy here mate)!
DJ Peri:
It has been quite crazy actually. It always feels amazing playing for known artists and sharing the same stage with them. The adrenaline is completely different and can’t actually be defined in words.

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SV: This Tiara headband, as astonishing as it looks on you, is it just for Dj’ing or a style-statement from a babe?
DJ Peri:
It is my own style statement !

SV: Have you ever noticed any other female Dj following this suit (or
in simple words- copying your fashion sense)?
DJ Peri:
No I have not, not yet at least!

SV: Ok, this is a question from a guy on behalf of all the guys- How many times are you flirted with by boys, when you are playing. I am sure your looks do attract a little extra attention!
Dj Peri:
There have been many such instances, but I do not let that effect me or my music while I am behind the console.

SV: What has been the most embarrassing pickup line told to you?
DJ Peri:
None so far, because I do not entertain them at all!!

SV: When all the partying is over, how do you like to chill out?
DJ Peri:
Just sit and spend time with family & friends.

SV: Last but not the least- what does future hold for DJ Peri?
DJ Peri:
The future is very bright. I want to get into production and later on release my own album by God’s grace.

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