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All About Men’s Grooming Market

All About Men’s Grooming Market

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With an average rate of 23% per year, the men’s grooming market in India is definitely on a high. Industry experts attribute this rapid growth to the rising consciousness among men, about how they look.

There is no doubt that men now are far more particular about their looks and their overall hygiene, than they ever were and that has created a huge untapped market for personal care players to cater.

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Today in organised salon segment, percentage for men visting salons has increased by 40-45 percent, while few years back it was just 10-20 percent. Apart from professional reasons, even peer group influence and role of social media is also playing a major factor for the growth of men grooming segment in India.

“I believe that men today, are well groomed and aware about their well-being. Now they take good care of their hair and skin.

Even in our Esskay outlet located at Karol Bagh, footfall of men have increased as they want to know more about the products that will suit their skin type” said Subham Virmani, Director Marketing Esskay Beauty Resources India. “I believe, the reason for this growth is growing tension and stress.

In today’s cut throat competition their is lot of stress on looking good and presentable and maybe that is the reason that, just like women, now men also want to rejuvenate and are willing to spend money on looking good” he further added.

On being asked about the range of products that Casmara offers and their USP, he said “Casmara is a unisex product range and is also specifically used in many men salons. One of our best selling facial treatments for men includes green tea mask. This mask is very good for men who smokes, as this mask is rich in anti oxidants and it takes away signs of stress and tension from the face.

Another effective mask for men from the house of Casmara, is Goji facials, it is most powerful anti- oxidants are very good for men as it delays the ageing of the skin.”

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Recent reports by Men & Boys (M&B), India’s first exclusive retail chain, which offers men’s personal care products, suggested that the monthly per capita consumption of grooming products of this segment is expected to be more than double by 2020. At present the monthly per capita consumption is Rs 850, a figure that is expected to touch Rs 1,774 by 2015 and Rs 3,739 by 2020.

Today’s man no longer is in the molds of “metrosexual” or macho—rather, he is original, confident, stylish and aspirational. And the salon industry is uniquely positioned to benefit from this modern male market, but only if they approach it the right way.

“Seventy percent of our clientele today is that of men. Men these days are more conscious not only about the health of their hair and skin, but also about the brand. Be it haircuts, colour, spas, skin care, pedicures, manicures and sometimes even waxing…they are well aware about the quality and know exactly what they want. The price factor is becoming secondary as long as they get the best service, product and brand” said the official spokesperson of Toni&Guy.

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On being asked if there is there any signature service offered by Toni&Guy, he said “The only service which is specifically meant ‘only’ for our male clients would be the Dermalogica shave. This treatment is specifically meant for men with sensitive skin who have a concerns of shaving rash etc and comes with a mini facial. We also have a Label Peppermint treatement which is very popular among men as it is very refreshing especially during the summers.”

We talked to Placid Braganza of Placid Salon, Mumbai who said that the major change that has come to the men’s grooming market in India has been because of the International exposure that the salon and spa experts get these days.

“There are so many beauty related trade shows that happen these days all across the globe. We as an expert get to understand the market better when we get to witness the international trends and that has helped the Indian market grow in return.”

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He also added that “men today want to look good. Be it in their office or just a casual outing, their preference to stand toe-to-toe with female audience when it comes to grooming is no more a secondary thing.

You can also say that media too has played a major role in this with everything now available for consumers at their fingertips.

Advertisements and digital media has made sure that people can explore more about hair and skin care and choose what they want to adapt in their lifestyle.”

However, he does believe that not all men are completely educated when it comes to brands and their benefits. “I would say major chunk of the (male) consumer is aware of their skin and hair type, but the ones who are not, are the ones who don’t know what products would suit them the best.

We as a brand, make sure that we update them about their hair texture and skin type and also advice on the products that would bring them best results. The advantage today is that, men today is much more receptive to advices then they were ever before.”

Many men still perceive that visiting an upmarket spa/salon would cost them a bomb, but salons like Toni&Guy and Placid are actually not that expensive and cost some way around 2000 INR. It also to be noticed that prices in the metro city and at the centres that are located in smaller towns/cities do not vary much, which itself is a proof of men wanting to spend on their personal care with much more freedom.

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