Catching up with your BFF is fun. Kicking each other’s patootie? Even better! That’s the beauty of the buddy routine designed by Reebok master trainer, Komal Gaur.
You’ll not only spend time together, but you’ll also work out way harder than if you were going through the motions solo. You may not shed the desired kilos in one day but if followed religiously, you’ll shed fat and sculpt firm muscles while moving back and forth nonstop between strength exercises and cardio bursts.
So what are you waiting for? Simply Buddy Up and let this Friendship’s Day be the start of something fitter and fresher.

What you’ll need: A friend to start WITH…
Squatting is imperative to develop a strong lower abdomen. While you may fret to do that first squat, the exercise is made accessible with your friends. In a pair of two or more, start with doing squats holding your hands. Increase the ‘buddy’ level of strain by squatting from one hand with the hand overhead, this can be done between eight to ten times. Switch between types of squats with one using the wall as a back rest while the other does free squats with a minimum of sixteen reps.
To further test your mettle, use a medicine ball as a throw amongst yourselves. Squat first and then throw the ball to your friend and repeat the set. Ensure you don’t fling the ball at a distance making it an impossible catch. Also, it is important to maintain the correct posture while performing this regime.
Building the back is important to one’s fitness discipline. While different push ups are becoming a rage with health aficionados, group push ups give more effective results. Begin with performing the push ups facing each other and doing a high five in between.

The next one can be a tricky especially if you or your friend weigh on the heavier side. This one involves doing push ups with added weight! Well, your buddy on the back.
A fun variation involving close coordination of friends is one doing push ups position and the other holding your legs. Do one push up and move four steps forward with a little push from your companion. Do two push ups and move back to repeat this five times.
Planks challenges you to the ultimate test of stamina. While you can choose your preferred form, planks come highly recommended for a taut stomach.
Encourage friends to perform sets of five and sixteen with alternate high fives in between. One can also plank facing the other and hold each other’s opposite arm for five seconds.
Engage in groups of two, where one does push ups by keeping arms on the one performing planks. Additionally try the plank with your companion on the back and switch.
Flex your muscles with tricep dips on the bench or chair while your friend adds the resistance by pushing down on your shoulders. Do a set of twelve and then repeat.
Cardio is advised in any form – outdoor or indoor. Pump energy with an alternate set of running and jogging between friends. Let each lead alternatively and repeat five times.
While doing cardio at the gym, one person can run on the treadmill with the other can peddle the stationary bike for five minutes. Switch four times between both exercises.
Besides the many things you can do only with assistance, working out together keeps both motivated, committed and challenged. So luge, pull and stretch to celebrate this day!
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