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Health Check-Ups Every Guy Needs

Health Check-Ups Every Guy Needs

IMG 20170721 115128 Health Check-Ups Every Guy Needs

The four pillars of a happy life are fitness, family, fun, and finance.

Fitness, or general health, plays a pivotal role in this perfect symbiosis of material wealth, socializing, and love. Without health, there can be no happiness, as daily and long-term well-being is the number one prerequisite you need to have in check in order to ensure success and reach your goals.

No matter whether you are fresh out of college, aiming for the stars, a brand new father in his prime, or stepping into your golden years, you want to be mindful of your body, treat it like a temple, and provide it with regular professional check-ups to make it run smoothly and efficiently. Here are the basics.

Here are the basics.

Visit a dermatologist

You might be wondering why you should spend your precious free time getting naked in front of an old dude (such will probably be your luck) screening you from head to toe. The reasons are quite simple and numerous. Not only can melanomas develop at any point in your life, anywhere on your body, but they can be caused by a myriad of different reasons, especially in a stressful, polluted, and fast-paced world.

Additionally, even the simplest of skin problems can turn into persistent, nagging conditions such as fungi and severe rashes, and a skilled dermatologist can easily fix any problem. Finally, it is never wise to wait and wonder, as catching a serious condition early gives you an exponentially higher chance of successful treatment.

Check your heart health
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People live under the impression that heart-related conditions appear with age, and that they needn’t bother with a cardiologist until they are well in their forties. The truth is that heart conditions can affect anyone, at any given time, and while the severity and particularities will depend on the quality of your lifestyle, you want to give your heart a thorough annual check-up, even if you’re in top physical condition, just to make sure and catch any condition early.

Get a prostate exam

The prostate is a tricky bugger, often as healthy as that vegetarian friend you’re so jealous of, but only until it reaches a certain age. After you’ve crossed the notorious thirty-five-year mark, you can expect your body to start behaving in different ways – holding on to fat, decreasing your energy levels, and letting various nagging conditions appear.

Some of the more serious conditions that could be life-threatening if not addressed are prostate illnesses. Concretely, the chances of developing prostate cancer rise steadily as you age, and although certainly unpleasant, a visit to your urologist once a year could end up saving your life.

Preserve your vision
Fitness Blogs, Fitness Advice, Fitness Tips, Fit People, Men's Health, Askmen, MEns Xp, Virat Kohli, ShahRukh Khan, StyleRug, Mens Style Blog, Mens Fitness Blog, Mens grooming Tips

This one is essential for people of all ages and gender. Maybe you have a growing child, maybe you’ve been experiencing blurriness in your field of view, or maybe you have hawk-eye vision but you’re working from a computer day in and day out. No matter what, you need to schedule a professional eye test to prevent long-term illnesses and preserve your vision. Not to worry, if you get a prescription and you are not a fan of glasses, you can always order your contact lenses online.

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If you were born with stellar vision, you probably won’t have to worry about eye problems until you are well in your twenties or even thirties. However, you need to remember that the modern, digital age is unkind to our eyes and that vision impairment is slowly becoming inevitable.

Annual check-up with your physician

Lastly, you want to get regular annual check-ups with your physician. This is a must for any individual who is mindful of his health, and who is looking to increase their quality of life and promote general well-being.

Exams such as a general blood test to assess your cholesterol levels and overall health, along with a blood pressure test and a pre-emptive diabetes screening, could give you a heads up on any impending conditions and provide you with the information and the battle plan you need to successfully overcome any challenge.

When it comes to your health, there can be no compromise. You were given a single life, wouldn’t you want to live it out to the fullest? Fortunately, by following these essential tips, you will ensure your long-term well-being and a lifetime of happiness and positivity!

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