I am sure that most of you (especially when new to the whole workout thing), believe that 5 days of workout, combined with few supplements will give you instant results! And although supplements are meant to aide you journey of attaining certain fitness levels, they are no magic powders.
Having said that, if you use them correctly, supplements can provide you with great benefits and make your life in gym a hell lot easier!
And to ease your stress, I have listed down three supplements (to be used in your daily consumption), that you must take to get better results in the gym.
This is one of those supplements, which one needs to take for sure, unless you out-rightly love to eat fruits and vegetables. Whatever level of – healthy, your diet plan is, there is bound to be a gap where your body falls short on vitamin level. Opt for the ones that are clinically dosed, as rest of the others are not needed by the body. Not only these help you perform better in the gym, but also keep you active throughout the day with good level of energy!
If you need tips on Sticking To Your Diet, When Dining Out, Then Read This Article HERE
Fish Oil
Fish oil has got countless benefits. The most important of those being, its ability to keep the heart disease rate low. Fish oil also helps you with joint paints and makes the skin and hair feel much healthier. And for gym freaks, it helps in providing bone support for those gruelling workout sessions. It might not result in direct muscle mass or growth, but it makes you stronger from within to attain the desired results in the gym, which otherwise might elude you.
Most of the people in their life, do not know the importance of protein in life. Nor do they know how much protein they should eat as per their body need, to perform at an optimal level. For general people it is advised that you consume at least 1 gram of protein per pound to your bodyweight, but for the gym-goers the amount will increase as their focus is on gaining muscle mass.
To know more about protein, read my post – How Much Protein Is Enough!
Regular food (considering our busy daily lives), can never suffice to that need, for which you need to opt for whey protein. These boxes generally come with a serving size of 25 grams and a couple of scoops of these mixed with milk; twice a day, shall do the trick for you.
Keep one thing in mind, supplements only work when you let-go off bad food and eat only healthy food. Read my article on 6 Delicious Alternatives For Junk Food to get into better food eating habits.
If you are a fitness freak and would love to share the supplements that helped you attain your goals, then do share the names in the comment box below, for others to benefit from it.
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