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Things A Girl Can Gift Her Man!

Things A Girl Can Gift Her Man!

gift Things A Girl Can Gift Her Man!

I just don’t get it, when men claim to have a hard time, picking gifts for women in their lives, even though they have a sea of options to choose from. And this is without even getting to the accessories or shoes section – which invariably, can spoil you for choices. 

But if you ask me, it is a woman who goes through what seems like a test of wisdom, when choosing gifts for her man and ask herself, what are the things a girl can gift her man?

Buying gifts for men is like getting stuck in a vicious cycle of shirts, watches, colognes, belts, wallets, and then shirts again. Be it your lover, friend, brother or father, they could only have so much of checked shirts!

One can always look for other small, but precious gifts like subtle jewelry, maybe a gold pendant for men with your name on it, or those couple necklaces. A classy flask with his name printed on it is also a great last-minute present.

However, what we suggest is, for you to get those fancy cigars & drinks rolling and read on this list that we have made that will help you find your man some gifts, he’ll finally not pretend to like.

For the beer lover

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Your man might hate to cook, but watch that disappear once you gift him his own beer brewing set.  Every man loves a good beer and what’s better than the fact that it’s available all the time, at your house, and freshly brewed?

It’s a great hobby, plus the alcohol never stops, which is the secret to almost every good relationship; isn’t it?

But jokes apart, getting a beer brewing kit for your man is, as cool as, the feeling you’ll get when you get to say, “My man makes his own beer”.

For the music lover

Now your man might or might not be a musician, but he will surely enjoy the clarity in those songs when he’ll listen through those awesome headphones you gift him. Headphones are an underestimated gift, which are even better when they look, as good as they sound.

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You can go with Beats by Dre, or if you feel a little generous the Master & Dynamic’s revered cans will not disappoint you. However, if you are running on a tight budget, but looking for a quality product, then do check out Panasonic RP-HF300

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For your entrepreneur guy

If your man is an entrepreneur, you will know how much he hates low battery on his phone. And there will be times he’ll be stuck at a place with nothing but his wallet and phone on him. If this scenario is something your man can find himself in, the nomad wallet is the perfect gift for him.

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This wallet comes with a built-in high-density lithium ion battery that is no thicker than your average wallet.

For the gamer/techie

It goes without saying that if your man’s a gamer, he owns every game he likes and has the best consoles sufficing his needs. You can enhance it a bit by giving him this wireless Bluetooth joy pad that looks like any old-school controller. But connect it with your smartphone and you have a gaming device.

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A Virtual Reality headset is also a great present for your gamer man to give him that immersive, 360-degree entertainment experience.

So ladies, now that you know some off-the-hook options that you can choose from for your men, which one are you going to go for? Do let us know in the comment box below.

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