Love, love, love!
Such a wonderful feeling. And who else can tell you more accurately, yet discreetly (really?) about it, than the person who has lived a life full of nomads around her?
Nomads, who would do everything in their manly capacity, to woo her down and make her their own.
Not many succeeded, mind you, but many did get a chance to play the game with me; if you know what I mean 😊.
Now, I have never been a long-term relationship bitch, nor were most of the men that I met, but I do know a thing or two that are a must for long-term relationships to work.
Luckily you poor souls, I am in a mood to share my gyaan today. So here you go, take a read!
- Talk to each other about your day
Make it a point every day to sit with your partner and share what happened throughout the day.
This is the easiest way to stay in check with each others’ lives and to communicate anything and everything.
- Indulge in s*x
When you have been in a long-term relationship, it is possible that you fall into an intimacy rut at some point. What is important though is that you find ways to come out it as soon as you can. Commit to showing how much you love each other, but that should not be it. Excite things in bed and challenge yourselves in the bedroom.
New positions, role-plays and experimentations can easily re-ignite the fire to get you going.
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- Be humble
There is no shame in being humble. And there is no shame in saying ‘sorry’. If you have taken out your frustrations and anger because you’ve had a dreadful day on your partner, and you realize it, then say sorry.
It not only proves that you know you are at wrong, but also that you want to make things right and be the responsible one. Moreover, it just shows – you care!
- Don’t be a miser on compliments!
I have had so many men giving me compliments in my life I can’t even keep a count anymore. Jealous yet?
However, the feeling of being loved is more evident when someone you care and long for, gives you compliments. Isn’t that true?
So, instead of just thinking, about how much you love, show it, by complimenting your partner. Tell your partner how he/she looks good in a shirt or a dress. Remember, they can’t read your mind, so thinking about things won’t help in long run.
- Argue constructively.
Telling you from my experience(s), disagreeing makes relationships grow stronger, but only, if they are done in a constructive manner. Fights that go round and round in circles, wherein, none of you are paying any heed to each other’s’ words does no good.
Make it a habit of discussing on topics with an open mind and listening to each other carefully before responding back.
- Touch
Forget all I said earlier, this is what the relationship is all about.
Just kidding!
But hey, snuggles, hugs, kisses, holding hands, physical connection, s*x, aren’t these the most intimate parts of keeping a relationship strong?
A touch can change the way you feel about a person or make a person feel (depending on where you are touching naughty one), about you.
For me, the innocent touches do the trick. How about you?
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