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Three signs that says she likes you

Three signs that says she likes you

pexels ron lach 9652343 Three signs that says she likes you

All guys know the stretch-and-put-your-arm-around-her move. Most of you have probably used this classic. But did you know, women have signature moves of their own? And did you know that, more often than not, you probably miss them completely?

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Picture this: You’re waiting for the tube together and you’re standing really close and she’s saying she’s tired and rests her head on your shoulder for a split second. You don’t think much of it, except maybe that her hair smells like shampoo and flowers. The train comes and off you go.

Six months later you find out from a friend of a friend she’s liked you for months. That was it back there on the tube platform — but you missed her move.

Well, never again, fellas.

Head rest
The casual head rest is a major sign we want to get closer to you. We are literally inviting you into our personal space by invading yours. We’re not just brushing something off your jumper — we are placing our face near your face. In terms of all (non-sexual) body parts in close proximity, the face is one of the most intimate — you wouldn’t want your face close to someone you didn’t find attractive.

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The eyelash bat
If you’re noticing us holding your gaze for longer than normal — and then looking down to the floor shyly — know you’ve captured our interest. In a completely platonic encounter, maintaining eye contact shouldn’t prove a challenge because we’re not threatened or embarrassed or self-conscious (unless we’re incredibly embarrassed or self-conscious normally). But if we can’t maintain eye contact and seem nervous, it’s probably because we’re really into you. Which makes us nervous.

Relationship Advice, Dating Tips, Grooming Tips Men, Men Grooming Advice, Fashion Blogs India, Mens Fashion Blogs India, Mens Styling India

The more intimate we feel towards you or think about you, the more likely we are to find reasons to touch you… pretty much everywhere we can. Obviously the easiest spot to touch — and most innocent — is near your penis. Just kidding! It’d be your shoulder or your upper arm. So if we’re putting a hand on your thigh (or anywhere near your junk), chances are it is very intentional and we are definitely thinking about touching very close by. Now would certainly be the time to make a follow-up move.

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