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Goodies To Win From John Players

Goodies To Win From John Players

Consistency, style and upgrade! These are the three words that can best describe the work culture of the John Players team. While the brand might have had to compete with all the new emerging names in the market, its sheer dedication to keep the innovation going, when it comes to design and finishing, keeps it by far way ahead of the names that we can think of or are referring to.

Their Autumn Winter 2015 collection to say the least, exhibits all that a modern man can look forward to, when it comes to re-decorating your wardrobe. While color vibrancy remain, as usual, the strongest point for the collection, the variety and options that the brand has offered to go with it is next to none. What it has also made sure is that you can mix and match the new collection with your previously owned clothes and bring out new elements to show-off for all to get jealous.

John Players, StyleRug, John Players AUtumn WInter 2015, Menswear, WInterWear, DapperMen, GQ, InstaMen, Fashion COntests, Goodies To Win, Gift Vouchers

John Players, StyleRug, John Players AUtumn WInter 2015, Menswear, WInterWear, DapperMen, GQ, InstaMen, Fashion COntests, Goodies To Win, Gift Vouchers

John Players, StyleRug, John Players AUtumn WInter 2015, Menswear, WInterWear, DapperMen, GQ, InstaMen, Fashion COntests, Goodies To Win, Gift Vouchers

John Players this season is offering you options in a variety of prints such as tribal prints and bird prints, modern eccentric, numeric graphics & monograms.

I got my hands on one of the camel color Harrington Jacket, which I will not show you in this PARTICULAR post (good things are visible after a bit patience remember;)), and I intend to team up with a white shirt with eagle print scattered over it, which stole my heart when I tried it at the store (see the image below)!

John Players, StyleRug, John Players AUtumn WInter 2015, Menswear, WInterWear, DapperMen, GQ, InstaMen, Fashion COntests, Goodies To Win, Gift Vouchers

But guess what … this post is about YOU GUYS!

John Player is giving away gift vouchers of INR2000 to few lucky winners and it could easily be you.

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All you need to do is:
– Like John Players on Facebook
– Like StyleRug On – Instagram Twitter and Facebook
– Also let us know “Why would you want to wear the new John Players Collection?” tag us and use the hashtag #playupstyle to go with your social media updates!
– Once you are done, leave a comment below this post and leave your social media links for us to check.


So don’t wait as the contest lasts only till 23rd November and the winners would be announced on 24th of November!

StyleRug Tip: Don’t remain the boy, it’s time you stepped up and became a MAN!


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