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Styling Tips For Short Men

Styling Tips For Short Men

fresco Styling Tips For Short Men

When you are on the wrong side of vertical limits (by that we mean, when you are short :P), it becomes imperative that you would need to be a little extra careful when choosing what you wear. And the best way to counter it, is to create such a visual treat with your styling that no one looks at your height other than your clothes.

However, not every clothing store may carry clothes that is tailored for your height and offer you the very best fit.

But if you find any such difficulty, then there are certain guidelines that one can follow to get the best styles that suit you.

And here’s what you got to do…

Styling tips for short men, styling tips for men, mens grooming, cosmopolitan men, grooming tips for men, short men clothing, styling for short men, sandeep verma, stylerug, Dapper, GQ, Mensfashion, Menswear, Mens Styling

Fitted shirts

Simplicity of the shirt is the chief focus and the first guideline when choosing styles for short men. Finding a shirt, which fits well is essential, as an ill-fitted shirt can make you look smaller than you are. Shorter guys shall always opt for vertical shirts and not the ones with big patterns as patterns can make them look much short.

Styling tips for short men, styling tips for men, mens grooming, cosmopolitan men, grooming tips for men, short men clothing, styling for short men, sandeep verma, stylerug, Dapper, GQ, Mensfashion, Menswear, Mens Styling

Say no to round collared shirts

Round collared shirts are not your best companions and what you must check on are the V-neck shirts as they aid to add length to the shirt appearance, complementing the short guy’s stature instead of accenting their shorter stature. Shirts with smaller cuffs and collars create the illusion of taller height than what you are.

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Fitting of your pant
Conventional pants have really long inseam lengths and for a short man these inseams can be very long. This can display a picture that these pants are too large for the short guy and again indicate to women that you don’t care about your appearance.

Styling tips for short men, styling tips for men, mens grooming, cosmopolitan men, grooming tips for men, short men clothing, styling for short men, sandeep verma, stylerug, Dapper, GQ, Mensfashion, Menswear, Mens Styling

The bottom of the pant leg, at the back of your foot, should be half an inch to an inch off the floor when you’re wearing shoes.

Styling tips for short men, styling tips for men, mens grooming, cosmopolitan men, grooming tips for men, short men clothing, styling for short men, sandeep verma, stylerug, Dapper, GQ, Mensfashion, Menswear, Mens Styling

Will jackets work?
Absolutely! A sport jacket or suit jacket lends more volume to the shoulders and that in turn results in giving a taller look to you.

This can easily be used as a signature style of your own. Wear the aforesaid jackets whenever you get a chance and natch the jacket with either trousers of the same fabric (suit) or trousers of a similar shade (sport jacket).

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