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Kanchan Sangwan

Kanchan Sangwan

kanch Kanchan Sangwan

I first met Kaki, aka Kanchan Sangwan, during the fittings of a fashion show, wherein, she made everyone stop their respective work and make note of her entrance. I first thought her to be a firangi girl with a little Indian touch, and as we did not speak much the first day, it was hard to figure out the real her.

However,me and Kaki got along pretty well on the day of the show (two days later) and spent a lot of time chatting about her career, her journey in this fashion industry and her transformation from being a girl next door to a glamour doll!

Here’s the excerpts…

SR: What’s your background in modeling? When and why did you get started?
I started my career in 2012 by suddenly winning a State level beauty pageant Miss Rajasthani Diva. While walking in the garden one day, one of my friend asked me that you should model, so I tried, got selected and won in my first ever attempt. I was also fortunate to have received training of ramp walk from a tough mentor like Abhimanyu Singh Tomar which is rare to get. His constant push, motivation, support & my hard work got me here where I am! A small town girl, standing confidently as an aspiring super model!

SR: Was it for the glamour? Money? Pure kicks?
Sadly modeling was never for glamour or money. I find it an art to present yourself in the best creative manner and I am an artist who constantly work hard to win appreciation from audience.

SR: Who are some of your favorite models and designers and why?
Among models Bhawna Sharma for her walk & Alecia Raut for her attitude are my favorite. While among Designers Tarun Tahilliani for his class style & Pawan Sachdeva for his outstanding creativity.

SR: Which fashion magazines, websites, blogs, and catalogs do you visit most often?
I am crazy about all fashion magazines, websites, blogs etc as it keeps my fashion ‘GK’ up to the mark. I go through Vogue India, Cosmo, Harper, Elle, Femina a lot & scroll Giasaysthat and Stylerug to name a few.

SR: How would you describe your style? Consider anything and everything from color to historical eras and more.
Comfort plus fashion is my style, as I team up denims or hot pants with loose T’s & jackets while I dress up in routine. Black & white are my favorite colors. I am highly influenced with the beauty of Maharani Gayatri Devi, Tyra Banks & Angelina Jolie character from the movie “Gia”. I reflect & pose thinking of them on shoot & shows.

SR: Where do you generally shop from?
No place like “Zara”.

SR: Would you call yourself a compulsive shopper?
I am surely not ‘Confessions of Shopaholic’ types. I shop only when I need things.

SR: What is fun and rewarding about modeling?
A new choreographer or designer appreciating my walk and saying “Where were you all this time” followed by a request for blocking my dates for all his/her shows is fun. The physical fitness you achieve is a reward for lifetime.

SR: What do you dislike about modeling?
I accept all its goods and bad as it all depends on the individual to pick from it.

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SR: What distinguishes a good model from a bad one?
Discipline, Attitude, Professionalism and Character defines a model good or bad.

SR: What is it that you dislike/hate about the fashion industry?
“Bitching”- One should mind their own business.

SR: If someone gave you an option to wear a dress, hot pants or a saree… what would you pick and why?
It will totally depend on the occasion, though I like hot pants as I feel comfy in it.

SR: Who according to you is the sexiest female model and why?
Sheetal Malhar as she looks sexy even when fully covered.

SR: If you could be the Prime Minister of India for one day… what would you do?
One day is very less as it takes years to change present structure. Still I would try to work on corruption issues in Government departments & Fashion as it is the root cause of any problem our India & Indian Models are facing right now respectively.

Fast Facts:
– Your nick name: Kaki
– What kind of men turns you on: Great Intellect
– Cats or dogs: Cows lol.
– Do you think people get intimidated by you: Many a times, but I step out with a cute smile.
– One word that best describes you: Artist
– S*x for you is: Only with the man of my dreams…
– Men should smell like: Men.
– If you were to reborn, I would be: me myself as I have to set some good examples in fashion fraternity.
– One secret that you can disclose to us: I am an open book no secrets.
– Single or taken: Single, focused & workaholic 

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