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How To Make Your Smartphone Fast And Secure

How To Make Your Smartphone Fast And Secure

htc How To Make Your Smartphone Fast And Secure

With an increase in population across the globe, there has been an increase in thefts too. And no, we are not talking about the usual break-ins anymore, we are talking about digital thefts, which have been on the rise in the last decade or so.

And one of the weakest links in all this is our smartphones. Yes, you heard it right- smartphones! With almost everything accessible in today’s age via a thumb-scroll on a smartphone, our data stands exposed to a larger risk, without us knowing about it!

Needless to say, the more secure our phone is, the better is the coverage of our important and private data. Thereby, it has become very important for us to take great care of our mobiles.

And that is exactly what we are going to teach you today. Making your smartphone more secure!

Use a strong Screen-lock.

This is your first line of defense. Make it longer in length, or if it is a pattern, then make it complex. Nowadays we also get many Fingerprint-lock mobiles; use one.

Periodically backup your data

You can do it via any cloud service, or simply onto your desktop/laptop. This way, even if your mobile is lost/stolen, you still get the data for yourself.

Lock your Apps too

Use an app locker, to lock all the apps in your mobile with a password. If the thief breaks the screen lock, still the apps stay locked- thus, keeping your data safe.

Use a ‘find my phone app

This is an essential app, that can help you locate your phone if it has been stolen/lost. It can be an antivirus or other specialized apps too. Check whether you can remotely search your mobile via it. Always keep the IMEI no of the mobile handy.

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Don’t Root or use apps from other sources

This makes it easy for the thief to break open your phone and do any malicious editing in it. Only download apps via the play store of the OS.

Besides keeping your phone safe, it has also become important to speed it up. The more storage we are getting now in our phones, the more apps we are installing than before. However, that makes our phones go slow after a while.

Here are some tips to speed up your smartphone.

  • Install only the essential apps.
  • No need to install apps that you hardly use. Keep only those that you use regularly.
  • Free the RAM with special apps.
  • Use an app that specializes in freeing up the ram regularly, removing the unnecessary cache in it.
  • Halfload your phone and external memory.
  • The more it fills up, the slower the mobile gets, especially the Internal Memory. Put only apps in it. All the other Data, and media, keep in the external memory.
  • Disable high-speed data and background sync. This significantly lowers the performance of the mobile. Use it only rarely, when needed.
  • Keep your home screen clean. Do it by disabling the screen animation and live wallpaper. Don’t use widgets, use only dark-colored wallpaper.

By following the above tips, you can keep your mobile fast and safe.

Remember, prevention is better than cure!

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