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5 Fitness Tips for Busy Working Men

5 Fitness Tips for Busy Working Men

Fitness Tips, Fitness Advice, Fitness Blogs, Stylerug, Virat Kohli, Shah Rukh Khan, Fitness Bloggers

Have you ever wondered how great it would be to have more than 24 hours a day so that you could finish everything you wanted?

There’s probably been an instance when you skipped a meal, neglected your exercise routine or sacrificed getting 7 hours of sleep just because you had to finish a work project. It seems impossible to keep your career on point and still have time for other things such as fitness.

However, nothing is impossible, and being fit and eating healthy food is well-manageable if you know what to pay attention to. If you’re a busy bee, but still want your abs to look good and have stamina, take a look at these 5 tips:

1. Make a list of your priorities

First of all, make a list of all the things that you want to do in your free time and put it somewhere you’ll be seeing it a couple times a day (such as on the fridge).

Write down everything you feel you don’t have enough time for – such as watching TV or reading a book, but also eating healthily and exercising regularly. Next, prioritize the activities. You have to try to fit them into your daily routine at least 15 minutes a day – you’ll definitely find an hour of your free time daily.

That way you will encourage yourself to stay active and exercise, even if it’s for just 20-30 minutes a day. Any exercise is good exercise!

2. Plan your meals in advance
Fitness Tips, Fitness Advice, Fitness Blogs, Stylerug, Virat Kohli, Shah Rukh Khan, Fitness Bloggers

The biggest mistake you could make is not thinking carefully about the meals you are about to have, and thus making your dietary decisions last minute.

Since you don’t want to end up eating fast food and unhealthy snacks, it would be a great idea to plan your meals in advance. The first way to do this is by making a dietary journal in which you will note down the meals for the upcoming week, and thus know what to eat. Moreover, you can go grocery shopping and get veggies and meat so that you could prepare the meals by yourself.

Even though it will take some time, this is without a doubt the healthiest choice. Once you finish work and get home, cook something for the following day. If you make enough, you can eat that the day after as well.

3. Find time for running

Running is the best cardio exercise out there, and if you really want to increase your stamina and burn some fat, you should definitely try to find time for it, at least a couple of times a week before or after work.

Go get yourself high-quality running equipment – the must-haves are definitely men’s running tights and good running sneakers, and once you have those, you’re good to go. By getting this equipment you’ll keep your muscles warmed up for a longer period of time, and you’ll be running quite comfortably.

4. Cut down on bad habits
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Even though some of you might enjoy smoking and occasional fast food intake, try to cut down on them as much as possible. That is, try to quit smoking altogether, as it will just get in the way of you getting the fittest you can be.

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Think about how harmful smoking is and how excessive consumption of sweets and fast food can lead to diabetes and obesity. Rather, equip yourself with fruits and nuts and eat those during the day whenever you have a need for a cigarette or sweets. It’s definitely not easy to give it up, but it’s definitely worth it.

Moreover, there are many ways in which you could help yourself achieve your goal, and plenty phone apps to help you keep track of everything.

5. Get a gym membership

Many people avoid getting a gym membership because they think they won’t have time for it, by which they already set themselves up for loss.

Instead, go to the nearest gym (as it is important that your gym is very close to you – if you barely find time for it, it’s not advisable to choose one where it will take you time to get to), and get a gym membership. Once you get it and pay for it, you’ll definitely want to make the most out of it, and will probably visit it more often.

Finally, allow yourself some fitness perks, such as getting a sports massage after a workout – it’s both good for your musculature and it feels heavenly. 

It’s not difficult to stay fit even if you’re quite busy – it just takes devotion, time and good organizational skills. Try not to prioritize work once you’re out of the office and great things could happen to you.

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