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5 Health Exams Every Guy Needs to Have

5 Health Exams Every Guy Needs to Have

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Men are quite notorious for neglecting their health and waiving regular health checkups. They seem to take better care of their vehicles and gadgets than their bodies. Still, there are simply no excuses when it comes to seeking routine preventive care. It is not only a cost-effective solution, but it also enables you to stay healthy and discover with any illnesses early, when they’re easiest to deal with. So, these are the most important medical tests that every man must consider.

Blood pressure tests

First off, we have an annual physical exam. It is performed by your primary care physician and involves checking your blood pressure as well as height/weight. I would put an emphasis on blood pressure because it is often a symptomless condition. The good news is that a test for hypertension is painless and quick. So, check your blood pressure pretty much each time you pay a visit your doctor, every two years at the very least.

Cancer screenings
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Most men do the screening for testicular cancer at one point in their life. In addition, they need to make sure to do monthly self-exams. Furthermore, men in their 40s are more prone to prostate cancer, so this type of screening is worth doing as well. It may be expensive, controversial, and sometimes unnecessary, but better safe than sorry, folks. Lastly, bear in mind that other types such as skin, colon, and oral cancer are not to be overlooked either.

Cardiovascular health exams

Heart disease is one of the most common health problems that plague men. Thus, it’s a good idea to run electrocardiogram. Those with additional risk factors and family history should carry out screening for coronary heart disease as well, while regular checks of cholesterol levels are a must for everyone as they pose a big part of cardiovascular health. Finally, note that blood tests can identify diabetes and other factors that increase the risk of cardiovascular problems.

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Eye check-ups
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Our eyesight declines with age, but problems in this department do not affect just the older people. Risk factors include family history, high blood pressure, diabetes, migraines, etc. Glaucoma, for example, is just one type of eye diseases that can induce serious conditions such as blindness. Companies like Eye Concepts offer a wide array of eye care services, from bulk-billing eye tests to contact lens fitting, so there is really no need to take chances.

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Sexually transmitted diseases

Getting tested for sexually transmitted diseases is rather unpleasant, but even people in monogamous relationships should do this. Some infections can be undiagnosed for years and the same goes for symptoms of HIV. Checkups are even more important for those who used injected drugs, had unprotected sex, or a blood transfusion prior to 1985. It is also highly advisable for all men to conduct a one-time hepatitis C screening.

Safe and sound

It goes without saying that nobody likes going to the doctor and discovering that something is wrong. Being proactive about your health, though, goes a long way in promoting health and well-being. So, would you like to stay on the safe side and preserve good health? If so, don’t wait for symptoms to appear and take action sooner rather than later. Be up to date with screenings and keep your body a finely-tuned machine.

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