We all want that toned physique and a six-pack ab to boast about, but admittedly, most of us are either too lazy to hit the gym or not motivated enough to stick to the task long enough to achieve the target!
But what if we told you, that getting a fantastic six-pack abs without going through the rigorous workout in the gym is completely possible? Sounds crazy, but is completely doable and we will tell you how!
All fitness trainers would agree to the fact that the core strength of your body is radiated from your abs and this region of your body provides systemic strength and conditioning that allows you to function in a healthy and lively manner.
And in order to get that toned abdominal, you need to understand its functionality and work step-by-step to achieve your goal.
Burn Your Fat
Also Read: Effective Bellow Fat Workout
Did you know that burning the abdominal fat accounts for 80% of the effort that you need to put in, to get a six-pack abs? And to burn fat, you need to make sure that you eat right and get your metabolism rate high to exhaust the energy that comes into your body, which can be done with some light cardio exercises without seeing the face of the gym.
Here is a simple and effective formula that will get you a little closer to obtaining a slim stomach with no fat on it, followed by a few workouts that can easily be done at home:
– Run every morning for at least 15 minutes before going to work
– Take stairs instead of elevators and give yourself as many chances as possible to walk.
– Get a bike and go cycling
– Take up swimming
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There are different types of ab exercises that will work for both; your upper and lower and all of these can be done without any equipment and in the comfort of your own home.
The Plank
Hardest and definitely the best exercise as it strengthens your entire abs and needs to be done 45 seconds at a time for 10 minutes.
Start on elbows and knees, locking hands together, then straighten your legs and raise your body so that you’re supported by the balls of your feet, with feet hip-distance apart.
Face the floor, being careful not to arch your back or stick your bottom in the air. Hold this position for 45 seconds to begin with, extending the time as you get stronger.
Reverse Crunches
Reserve crunches target your lower abdominal muscles, which normally are the most ignored ones and usually the last part of your six-pack that get the toning that you desire.
Lie on the floor and place hands on the floor or behind the head, bringing the knees in towards the chest until they’re bent to 90 degrees.
With feet together or crossed, make sure that you contract the abs to curl the hips off the floor, reaching the legs up towards the ceiling. Lower and repeat for 1-3 sets of 12-16 reps.
Seated Leg Tuck
For the ones who want to work hard on their lower abdomen in an effective and fast-tracked manner, this exercise could prove to be the killer punch. It needs to be done for 10 minutes with two 30-second breaks. Sit sideways on a bench and grasp the edges of the bench for support. With bent knees, raise your legs slightly and then straighten them. Lean backward as balance requires and lift your knees up towards your chest while keeping your lower legs pointed downward and flexing (tightening) your abs as hard as you can. Keep continuous tension on the abs throughout this movement.
Air Bike
This method is very simple, easy to do and it targets all your abdominal muscles. Start by lying supine (lying down with face up) on the floor with your hands clasped behind your head and elbows pointing away from your body, out of your peripheral vision. Bend your hips to a 90-degree angle and lift your legs straight up to the ceiling and make sure that your feet are off the floor.
Engage your abdominal and lift your shoulder blades off the floor as you twist your left elbow to your right knee.
Your right knee will pull in to meet your left elbow. Stay lifted and twist to the other side and meet your left knee with your right elbow. Keep twisting by alternating sides until you cannot do it anymore then relax your upper body back to the floor.
You can try your hand at all the activities but you would not see the results if you don’t eat right and in appropriate proportion. Here’s a schedule that would help you in eating right and in appropriate proportion.
– Eat only natural wholesome food
– Drink lots of water
– Eat five smaller meals each day
– Do not starve yourself, as it stops your metabolism
– Eat more protein, such as fish & chicken
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