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5 Mistakes to Avoid When Setting Up a Small Business in the US

5 Mistakes to Avoid When Setting Up a Small Business in the US

contact King Kong

Starting any business is fraught with risk, it is never a given that the venture will be successful, and with that in mind, if you are in the process of setting up a small business here in the US, here are a few common mistakes to avoid at all costs.

  1. Setting up a business on a shoestring budget – There are so many variables that could bring down a startup; a couple of unpaid invoices is all it takes to put you in the red, therefore, you need to have access to emergency funds, should the need arise.
  2. Thinking you can manage without digital marketing – Word of mouth might be powerful but it is not enough to launch your business; we recommend that you contact King Kong, a leading US digital marketing agency that delivers the desired results. They can work to your budget and they can tailor their service to suit the client, so don’t delay, call them today and get your message out to the right people.
  3. Failing to write a business plan – Some entrepreneurs mistakenly think that a business plan is only necessary if you are trying to find investors, in fact, your business plan is your guideline to success and you should spend as much time as necessary to create a comprehensive plan that covers every aspect of the venture.
  4. Poor management – Your employees need strong direction and motivation, which the business owner is ultimately responsible for. In the event you know that you don’t have the necessary skills, hire a manager with a proven track record and you can direct from the background.
  5. Lack of market research – If you don’t properly do market research, you run the risk of trying to sell a product or service that is not in demand; one has to be realistic and it pays to act as the devil’s advocate, trying to pick holes in your marketing plan. Don’t just assume that everything will turn out OK, as it very often is not.

We hope that this short article goes some way towards helping you to create a winning enterprise and that you enjoy a level of sustainable success.

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