Humans have feelings. They perceive matter through their senses and react to them. Sometimes, events don’t go as a person hoped for, causing them to be upset, but it’s part of being human.
As typical as it may be, deeply distressing circumstances can take their toll on a person in the form of emotional trauma. A traumatized person may feel alone, empty, useless, afraid, insecure, and have suicidal thoughts.
One can classify emotional trauma under three different categories:
- Acute Trauma- Distress after a single incident
- Chronic Trauma- Prolonged or repeated disturbing events or abuse
- Complex Trauma- Exposure to multiple and diverse troubling circumstances
Emotional trauma can disrupt a person’s ability to live peacefully. They need the help of professionals, loved ones, and themselves to recover and move on.
But how can a person cope with emotional trauma? Check out these tips:
1. Get To Know Your Trauma Better With A Core Wound Quiz
A core wound quiz is like a short psychological test that can help determine a person’s current mental condition. There are no correct or wrong answers, but the question makers advise their takers to answer each question honestly to know their status correctly.
The questionnaire of a core wound quiz includes questions and topics such as:
- How do you face stress?
- The most uncomfortable event you have to deal with
- What do you feel at this point in your life?
- Things that describe you best
- If the questions make you anxious
- If you have the strength to face the worst moment in your life again
- The words that you want to hear
The quiz can help a person suffering from emotional trauma identify what triggers their fear, what they feel about the world, if they deal with stress effectively or not, and determine ways to comfort them in times of distress.
Also, it is like a physician’s check-up for patients. The result of their patients’ answers can be an excellent preference for their diagnosis and determine the best possible medication.
2. Consult With A Psychiatrist For Medications
One of the effects of having emotional trauma is depression. A depressed individual may have a limited production of happy hormones like serotonin and dopamine in their brain, lessening their sense of pleasure and a joyful mood.
Anti-depressants are prescription drugs that can help a person cope with emotional trauma. They contain properties that can help retain a lighter mood. However, the intake of anti-depressants needs a psychiatrist’s prescription.
Many anti-depressants show side effects that might be harmful to someone whose body is not compatible with the drug. Psychiatrists can also determine the right amount of anti-depressants that a patient can take.
3. Keep Distance From Matter That Triggers Fear In The Meantime
Many patients who suffer from emotional trauma were victims of abuse. Even though they are no longer experiencing the terrible events that disabled them from living peacefully, some things may still trigger their paranoia and sadness, especially if the abuse happened recently.
For example, people who survived a terrorist attack might find a popping balloon as if someone fired a rifle and start docking under a table, having tremors. Also, a woman who survived sexual assault might find all men dangerous, making her unable to speak straight or suddenly scream.
The past of people suffering from emotional trauma plays a big part in what they are going through. Giving themselves a chance to move on seems impossible compared to reliving the catastrophic events they experienced.
Consider giving them time to recover by keeping them away from things that makes them feel vulnerable. Establish a comfort zone for them. If they are afraid of popping sounds, take them away. If they are fearful of seeing men, keep their distance from the victim in the meantime.
Soon, patients will have enough courage and conviction to face their fears and realize that they have a second life to live, full of hope and second chances.
4. Travel To Places You Have Not Visited Before
Travelling is always an excellent way to take a break from stress. People who are suffering from emotional trauma may find it relaxing as well. The past events that continue to bring them pain can make them think their lives are hopeless and not worth living.
Consider letting them venture to different places, showing the other side of life- full of hope, beauty, and trust. A new environment can provide a suitable start for a new beginning, away from entities that can bring harm to their life once more.
5. Read The Bible And Pray
Those who decided to leave the place where they experienced terrible things on their own might not find anyone else they can talk to about their sadness. Even those fortunate enough who still found refuge in compassionate individuals and groups might find them hard to trust and think that they’re alone.
Consider reading the bible and praying. The bible is a religious text containing God’s words, reassuring humanity that there is still light after a storm, that God will not forsake them in times of need. Aside from this, praying can help a person suffering from emotional trauma to release all the pain that they keep inside and share their story with someone they know will never lead them to harm. Faith is a powerful weapon in warding off terrible thoughts about life and establishing security within.
6. Bond With Friends
One of the reasons why emotional trauma becomes more severe is because a person is not preoccupied with other activities aside from thinking of their past.
Consider making them busy by bonding with them, especially with hobbies they like. For example, if they like playing basketball, give it a shot. If they like playing video games, give it a get-go. Making them busy with things that can make them genuinely happy can help them cope with emotional trauma in earnest.
Emotional trauma is challenging to deal with. A person suffering from this may feel depressed and anxious, making them unable to live peacefully. With their backs pushed against the wall, help from mental health professionals and loved ones can come in handy to make them smile again.
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One of my friends once said, I am in love with words and a zoned out poser... well, I will keep it the way it has been said! Besides that you can call me a compulsive poet, wanna-be painter and an amateur photographer