If you went onto the internet and researched a bit there would be no dearth of articles that would vouch to teach you ‘how to flirt at your workplace‘. And I can bet my butt off that most of them would read something like this…’to make a lady swoon at your job, all you got to is to smile, give them compliments and do their work.
Yawn Yawn!
I say that every act of humans can be associated to an art or, in simple words; a particular set of skills! Act of knowing science, geology, harvesting, painting, designing, etc. However, the art is flirting seems to not make it to this league. For many,, it still seems like a casual word that invariably is associated with chasing a girl and trying to sneak into her pants. So wrong!
Flirting is not just a word to get a girl, but is an art of entertaining your opposite sex. Thereby, when it comes to ‘flirting in the office’ it should never be taken more than an art that makes a woman feel more effeminate than she is and blush to her heart. And if you still wanted to get a bit more of ‘how to flirt in the office’, you are reading, just the right article.
How to flirt with the hot chick?
This is the simplest question, with the simplest answer: carefully and delicately! Even I work with many women that I flirt with all the time. But what keeps me safe is that all of it’s done to keep the things at par with fun. No two women are the same. Some are receptive to flirting and some are not and knowing the right nerve would determine how liberal and flirtatious you can get with them.
Know the depth before you dive
High octane flirtation does not always go well. Also, would you want to to be known as a guy who hits on everything that breathes? Don’t think so!
The hail Jesus banter or the tricks of flirtation that work well in the bars or other regular parties should never be tried at the workplace. Out of place, it can be too aggressive and inappropriate. What I do best (and it always works) is, test the waters with a little flirtatious comment here and there and pay attention to know their react. You can’t win the war if you can’t handle the initial battles. Start with something that is fairly tame and that would give you an idea if this woman is to be flirted with or not. You don’t want to start-off by setting up roles of you as the love pirate and her as your slave.
What will determine your rate of success is how you do things that can be fun, but without a lot of sexual overtones to it. And If she plays along, laughs, smiles, and banters back, then it’s a good sign that you can flirt with her a little more. And only when you know that she is ready to receive a little more, is when you should slowly add a ‘little more’.
Don’t get too touchy
If you ask me, I would describe myself as a very touchy flirt. When I meet girls, I put my arm around them, hold their hand, and so on, but that is not what I do when I am in the office. When I do touch one of my colleagues, I make sure that it is for a very short span of time, gentle and as non-obtrusive as possible. Yes, I might touch their arm or shoulder, but that is about it and I do make it a point that I do it only with chicks that I have had a longtime professional relationship with.
One other way of not making touching awkward is to touch everybody, man or woman. If you show that you are just a person who is paly with everyone , you won’t so much be the weird guy that touches all the women – take the hint!
Raise the bar after work
You should definitely know how to switch and raise the mode of flirting after the work hours. Go out to for happy hours with some of your coworkers, and you can bump up the level of your flirtation a bit. It’s more appropriate in social situations because, well, it’s more appropriate in social situations. And once they (women) show a bit more inclination towards you, you can up the ante in office too (but only to a limit).
Get it straight buddy, gone are the days when romance and appreciation was all flowers, letters and shying away. Modern era has changed the way you express. Show your art of flirting, but keep it limited and mysteriously hidden somewhere. After all, you do want to make her feel inquisitive and go after it, don’t you?
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