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5 Things Every Groom Needs to Know About His Wedding

5 Things Every Groom Needs to Know About His Wedding

Virat Kohli, Anushka Sharma, Priyanka Chakraborty, Stylerug, Men's Fashion Blog, Best Fashion Blogs In India, Men's Style Blog, Bollywood News, Men's Grooming, Better Men, Men's Health, Askmen, Men's Health

The majority of men think that, when it comes to their wedding, the only thing they’ll have to think about is showing up.

However, in this day and age, men have plenty of wedding responsibilities –and the only reason they don’t have as many as women is because most women prefer to be in charge of the wedding preparations (and men don’t really mind that).

Nevertheless, there are things you’ll need to know in regard to your wedding, and here are five of them.

Your look
Virat Kohli, Anushka Sharma, Priyanka Chakraborty, Stylerug, Men's Fashion Blog, Best Fashion Blogs In India, Men's Style Blog, Bollywood News, Men's Grooming, Better Men, Men's Health, Askmen, Men's Health

Yes, your bride will most likely be the center of attention, but that doesn’t mean you shouldn’t look your best as well. If you’re going for a traditional, more formal appearance, then you should opt for a classic tuxedo with a shawl, notch, or peak lapel. You should also keep in mind your wedding location – if you’re getting married on the beach, consider wearing a jacket-less suit, and choose something that is lighter in color. Just make sure it fits the overall theme of your wedding.

Spend time with your bride
Virat Kohli, Anushka Sharma, Priyanka Chakraborty, Stylerug, Men's Fashion Blog, Best Fashion Blogs In India, Men's Style Blog, Bollywood News, Men's Grooming, Better Men, Men's Health, Askmen, Men's Health

Very often, the happy couple will be separated at the reception, making sure everybody is enjoying themselves, going around and thanking people, or simply socializing with their friends for a bit. However, you are a couple, and your wedding day, as beautiful as it will be, will also be very stressful for both of you. So, make sure to spend some time together and show your bride how much you love her – leave her cute post-it notes, give her some small surprise gifts, and tell her how much she means to you more than once.

The planning

When it comes to planning your wedding, there are some things you and your wife-to-be should do together. For instance, you should come up with the guest list, choose the band and the venue, pick the right cake, etc. In short, it’s supposed to be a big day for both of you, so don’t hesitate to share your ideas in regard to the wedding essentials. However, if there are things you can’t agree on, it might be a good idea to hire a professional wedding stylist from Sydney who can help you make your wedding a dream come true.

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Know your words
Virat Kohli, Anushka Sharma, Priyanka Chakraborty, Stylerug, Men's Fashion Blog, Best Fashion Blogs In India, Men's Style Blog, Bollywood News, Men's Grooming, Better Men, Men's Health, Askmen, Men's Health

One thing you should definitely not do is leave your vows and your speech to the night before the wedding. Also, don’t listen to your buddies’ suggestions about adding some “funny” anecdote or an embarrassing story that you think would be interesting to tell – it wouldn’t. Take your vows and your speech seriously, and dedicate some time to coming up with something nice and meaningful. Of course, this doesn’t mean it can’t be funny at all, just keep it simple and appropriate.

Learn to dance

You know that you will have to dance not just with your bride but with many other female friends and cousins as well. Plus, if you and your bride are planning to do some sort of dance routine, have no doubt that it will include plenty of practicing. So, if you don’t know how to dance, now is the time to learn. Sign up for dance classes – and do so in time – and you will feel much more confident on your wedding day.

If you’re planning on getting married in the near future, be a part of the preparation process – choose the right suit, discuss things with your wife-to-be, come up with a good toast and vows in time, and learn to dance if you don’t already know. Finally, keep showing your bride how much you care about her, and you will definitely have a wedding to remember.

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