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Dressing Up For The Casino

Dressing Up For The Casino

casino Dressing Up For The Casino

Many guys that dress up for a night out at the casino, tend to go to one of two extremes.  Either they dress up like they are going to be the next James Bond or they dress so poorly that some casino guests try to offer them change for food.

Either way, one thing is for sure, making use of their appearance can help them win a game. If you’re a guy that dresses to one of these extremes, take heed of some of our tips for dressing for the casino.

Casual Does Not Mean Grunge

For those of you that think that dressing for comfort means shorts and flip-flops or workout sweats, think again. When thinking of casual dress for the casino, lean more toward what you would wear on casual Fridays in a business environment.

This means something along the line of khaki pants and button-up polo shirts and some type of nice shoes, like suede loafers or very nice sneakers.  Jeans might work if you have a nice shirt, but khakis are better.

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Look Good – Feel Good – Get Treated Better

Finally, when you are well dressed at the casino, you will tend to be better treated than if you show up looking like a homeless man off the street.  If you look like you have money, the casino hosts are going to assume you are there to spend money, and they will want to make you comfortable. This ploy they think will get more money out of you, and they are right!

Take all of the above into consideration the next time you are heading out to the casino.  There is no need to make them think you are James Bond or the homeless guy unless that is what you want them to think.

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