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5 Promising Alcohol Brands from India

5 Promising Alcohol Brands from India

Bezt Whiskey, Best Indian Whiskey, Priya Chakraborty, Stylerug, Travel Bloggers, Lifestyle Blogs India, Travel Blogs India, Virat Kohli, Men's Grooming Articles

Over the past decades, the Indian liquor market has witnessed a huge rise and became the third largest in the world in terms of value.

This high demand has undoubtedly led to the emergence of plenty of alcohol brands trying their best to stay ahead in the market. However, not all of them match up to the expectations and fail to reach a wider customer base.

There are some selected alcohol brands whose quality and distinctiveness turn them into successful brands who not just gain popularity in the country but begin conquering international regions too.

Bezt Whiskey, Best Indian Whiskey, Priya Chakraborty, Stylerug, Travel Bloggers, Lifestyle Blogs India, Travel Blogs India, Virat Kohli, Men's Grooming Articles

Here is a list of such promising alcohol brand names in India who have won the hearts of Indians with their unique taste and are ready to take higher leaps in the future.

Take a look!

  1. Royal Challenge

Anyone who loves alcohol must have heard of this one. One of the largest selling whiskey brands in India, Royal Challenge has an inimitable taste and distinctive character which is enough to make anyone fall in love with this alcohol brand.

The intense deep blend of scotch and Indian grains and the appealing sight of the bottle has been winning hearts of whiskey lovers across the country. As the brand celebrates bravery and unconventionality in today’s times, it effectively touches the trajectory of the new generation that is strong, bold and free.

  1. Rockdove

An excellent offering from Hermes Distillery, Rockdove is a premium whiskey brand that has rapidly gained immense popularity as one of the top alcohol brands in India.

Its distinct colour, aroma and fine taste make Rockdove stand above other alcohol brands in the market. Moreover, one more thing that makes Rockdove a deserving alcohol brand on this list is its preparation method.

The whiskey is distilled in Tomsa plant which is 100-year-old distillery technology from Spain used by Bacardi, Johnnie Walker, and Crown Royal. Till now, only Hermes Distillery has introduced and used this method in the country.

Bezt Whiskey, Best Indian Whiskey, Priya Chakraborty, Stylerug, Travel Bloggers, Lifestyle Blogs India, Travel Blogs India, Virat Kohli, Men's Grooming Articles

  1. McDowell’s No. 1

Another promising alcohol brand on the list is synonymous with smoothness and class. It is a famous whiskey brand by United Spirit Flagship that caters to the young generation of India.

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Its tagline and the logo stand for friendship and brotherhood and hence, every sip of this distinctive whiskey celebrates the harmonious relation between friends.

Available in three reserves viz. Platinum, Diet Mate, and Reserve, McDowell’s No. 1 is known for its golden honey colour and short and spicy finish.

  1. Officer’s Choice

Officer’s Choice is a smooth whiskey that was launched in 1988. However, over the years, its popularity grew leaps and bounds making it one of the largest whiskey brands in the world.

The whiskey is known for its rare blend of Scotch malts and Indian grain spirits that are enough to heighten the senses of the drinker. It also has a woody character that adds to the taste and makes it perfect for all occasions.

  1. Indian Honey

This one is another offering from the new entrant Hermes Distillery. An ultra-premium spirit, Indian Honey has an elegant taste and distinctive flavour. It is specially made for the people who love sophisticated and elegant additions to their collection.

The spirit is best enjoyed after dinner and gives the perfect ending to a beautiful evening with its discerning taste.

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