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Reasons Why You Should Not Smarten Your Home

Reasons Why You Should Not Smarten Your Home

future Reasons Why You Should Not Smarten Your Home

Technology geeks are always crazily following some new trend. E-book reader was last year and this year smart-home seems to be the flavor of the season. So that you don’t get sucked in to a rabbit hole, we have compiled the list of “valid” reasons to avoid this fad.

We need to preserve adventure : When we have to wake up for an early morning flight, it’s an adventure! All the tasks between reluctantly waking up and hopping inside the Uber, need clockwork precision. If a task like switching on geyser 20 minutes before taking shower is eliminated, then much needed X-factor gets significantly diminished.

Moms need a caring routine: Moms are so caring and the one thing they like the most is providing care. They feel so nice to do little tasks like waking up in the middle of night to switch on water motor. If we take away things like these, life would end up being so empty for them. What would they do without such a caring routine? They might have to take up something boring like writing a book!

The oil prices are going down. Rooftop solar is becoming popular. Energy prices are going to go down very steeply. In such an environment, it makes no sense to even think about reducing energy consumption of our home appliances.

We must follow advice of Ancient vedas: A famous sanskrit shlok goes like this “Perseverance of a crow, concentration of a swan, light sleep like a dog — characteristics of a perfect student.” We must recognize that the air conditioner by over-chilling during night ensures that we sleep light like a dog. Any kind of smartness that drifts us away from ancient vedas shall be treated more like over-smartness.

The key to happiness:
Everyone in the home is family. One of the “key” characteristic of the family is that we share the home “key”. How much fun it is to co-ordinate, exchange keys and do exquisite planning to avoid waking each other up. We can’t let something stupid like a smart lock spoils all this fun & happiness.

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So here it is, we have done our bit to save you from another technology trap. The rustic charm of carrying super heavy hand-baggage and pleasure of flipping the book pages is under serious threat.

We must avoid any such threat toward loving relationship with our (care seeking and power guzzling) home appliances.
If you are still somehow keen to fall inside smart-home rabbit hole then perhaps you could check out Each man for himself, it’s a jungle out there!

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