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5 Reasons Why You Should become A Freelancer

5 Reasons Why You Should become A Freelancer

free 5 Reasons Why You Should become A Freelancer

I have always hated the idea of working in an office from 9 AM to 6 PM (that’s right, there are no 5 PM schedules anymore). The mere feeling of getting up daily in the morning and going to the same place would put me in a depressive mode. Having said that, it was equally important for me to earn money and be able to survive, if I wanted a life away from that routine.

So, what did I do? I became a freelancer!

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Though I did face initial hiccups that would make me want to go back to a regular job with consistent money flowing in to the account every month, I decided against it and stuck hard to my decision.

And for those who are contemplating the same idea, here is my list of 5 reasons why I think you should quit your job and become a freelancer!

You Get To Sleep Till Late

As I said earlier in the post; I hate early mornings. And one huge benefit that I get working as a freelancer is the chance of being able to sleep till late. Understand one thing, guys, your job says 9-6 i.e. 9 hours, however, some insane people with longer commutes or early start times wake up at 9 AM, every damn morning to be able to reach the office by 9. Have you counted that time too when it comes to you devoting your life to a regular job?

Why should sleeping till 10M be limited to weekends? Why can’t we do it daily? As a freelancer, you get the opportunity to fix your own schedule, take projects as per your style of life and be at ease with it. Sleep well- work well; now isn’t that a great idea?

No Stupid Office Politics To Worry About

Some people like it, some people hate it. And I happen to fall into the later category. There is no doubt in my mind that one of the biggest time wasters in a daily job is the stupid office politics and gossip that middle and upper management is involved in. Not only does it make the job of a person like me harder, but also irritating.

Being your own boss as a freelancer, you can just put your legs up on the table and work the way you want, with no irrelevant chats with people around. You get rid of bureaucracy; just like that!

You can look for freelance projects on sites like and

Freelancers Union, Freelancer Game, Freelancers Insurance, Freelancer Review, Freelance Job, Freelancers Medical, Freelancer Txes, Freelance Writing, Benefits OF Freelancing, Freelance Jobs NYC, Freelance Writing Jobs, 5 Reasons Why You Should Quit Your Job And become A Freelancer

Choose Your Place From Where You Want To Work
May be not ideal for others, but for a person like me, to be able to choose from where I want to work is a huge motivator – TO WORK!

It gives me the comfort I want to be in as a writer, and not get distracted by the unwanted things that happen around you when you work in a corporate setup. You are your dictator! You can work in your night pajamas, or sip a beer and work extensively on an idea that you think you can only work on, when not under the stress of sitting in an office.


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You Earn More, Without Getting To Know!

Let’s face it; your office being 5kms from your home is a very rare scenario. Also, there being a direct commutation to your office is a rare scenario too. More often than not, you would end up taking a metro, then an auto or a cab to reach your office, which means you spending more and more on your commutation.

The moment you become a freelancer, you tend to not spend that money, which means that you are not earning it directly, but having an indirect positive influence on your total earning as a freelancer.

Make It Easy To Travel

Can you plan regular travel trips when engaged in a regular job? I bet you can’t! But, as a freelancer, you get a chance to travel and be able to work from wherever you are. More so, you can easily write travel pieces and sell it to publications, or start your own travel blog and monetize it for long-term gains.

So, guys this is my theory of why I wanted to be a freelancer. If you are a freelancer and have been able to create a positive impact in your life because of it, then do share your thoughts in the comment box below

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