There are a lot of life-changing stories that we go through or read about instances that change the whole perspective of how we look at things or our life as a whole.
I’m going to share an experience, an idea that made me grow as a person and has left a lasting impression on me; for good.
I was born into a very conservative family. Since the time I started understanding myself, at the age of 15 I felt there were too many boundaries that I had to live with. I was expected to wear clothes covering my entire body, I wasn’t allowed to put kajal or keep my hair open while in public. I felt I was trapped in a cage, and that made it hard to breathe. I felt I was losing myself!
I used to go to school regularly, talk to my friends attend classes. Talking to other people made me feel that their lives were much better. I started noticing that even they faced problems in life, in studies but they were able to handle them and deal with their issues properly. It was because of the self-confidence that they had.
But, I was losing my confidence. However, One day when I was in 9th standard our maths teacher came. She made an announcement that they were taking auditions for the dance team of our school. It was like a casual day. I was aware of it, but I never paid attention to it or even thought about it if I should actually participate or be a part of it in any manner. But my friend; Sheena, got really excited about it. She wanted all of us to give the auditions. I never told anyone but I used to watch MTV and other Bollywood videos and was really fond of the way actors danced. It used to amuse me a lot. Sheena forced all of us on the day of the audition. They really liked the way I danced. Even I was shocked by my performance.
And when the results came, I got to know that I was selected. Since that day I started dancing and it helped me in growing as a person. It gave me confidence and made me a better person. I started expressing myself through dance. There were times, when I used to stay quiet, not say things even when I wanted to. Today I am very confident as a person as well as a dancer. Dance changed my life.
It’s like taking advice that can change your life forever. Something that maxes Life Insurance would do. Advise you to buy insurance cover that can cover you for life or a Shiksha plan that can help the education schemes of your family later on.
What I did receive after my friend’s advice was something very similar to the guaranteed lifetime income plan that Max Life Insurance offers, something that would keep your interests safe, till the time we breathe.
Looking back at the whole incident, I cannot thank Sheena enough in my heart for her SachchiAdvice to me to come out of my shell and try to be who I am. She convinced me to the fact that dancing was not an activity that would bring any shame to my family or rub them the wrong way. It was just an expression of the music that was to be danced on and being myself. For people, it might sound like just a hobby, but this one SachchiAdvice by a friend helped me come out of my self-imposed cage and show my talent to people. You would be surprised, to know that my parents did come to my school to see my performance, and the moment I finished my routine, I could see the feeling of being proud in their eyes. They understood that if I could perform like that without any training, I sure could improve a lot with training and time.
They have been a support pillar since then and have encouraged me to participate in many dance competitions.
Life is too short, and we hear so many random things about how people tell us, we can’t do this, we cannot achieve that, but all we need is that one person who can give us just one #SachchiAdvice and make a difference in our life.
If you also have any such inspiring story, then do share it with us and with others, for them to get motivated and bring a change to their life.
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