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Joel Madden Reveals His Favorite Moment From Hosting Season 15 of ‘Ink Master’

Joel Madden Reveals His Favorite Moment From Hosting Season 15 of ‘Ink Master’

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Joel Madden, the current host of the reality competition series Ink Master, is not just a fan of the show but also an integral part of Season 15. This season holds a special place in his heart for a compelling reason.

The 44-year-old singer from Good Charlotte recently shared a remarkable moment from the filming of the season, which he personally cherishes. He admitted that it became his “favorite part of the season, selfishly.”

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Madden revealed, “I got a tattoo on the show this year. It was a surprise for me because I’ve always watched the show and wanted to get a tattoo. But the thought of getting inked in front of an audience… it’s a bit unusual.” He went on to explain, “But when they asked me if I would get involved in that way, I said yes.”

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Though the prospect of sitting down with the unnamed tattoo artist was “exciting,” Madden confessed that the experience was also “nerve-racking.” He elaborated, “Getting a tattoo is a deeply personal experience between you and the artist, and it can be painful. Doing it in front of the cameras was a completely new experience for me.”

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While the design of his new tattoo remains a secret (no spoilers!), Madden, who estimates he’s spent “150 hours” getting inked, shared that it holds significant meaning related to his childhood and his siblings.

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