Every guy feels the rush of adrenalin when he finds something modish and classy in a shopping mall display window, which he senses, might do enough to make some female heads turn back. While the next thought in the mind could be to pick the piece and own it – but there is every chance that in that spur of the moment you might just ignore – if that is really something that suits you?
So, to erase the curse of confusion and wrong choices made, here are the facts that will help you immensely to refine your wardrobe…
Heels are not your friend
Disappear! That is the knotted mantra here. Women start scanning your personality from the toe and face it for real, they don’t like guys who take support of the crutches (heels) to stand tall.
First 30 seconds of you appearance, wherever you go, decides your impression on the people around. As much as women like heels on them, when it comes to their counterparts – they click on the dislike button with no second thoughts. Instead, make sure you have the shoes, which bout well with your outfit and are well-polished to shine, as that would floor the admiration –positively. You can also include nice chic looking Sandals to your wardrobe, but of course, no heels should be visible.
Size and Fit
All your clothes should be right of your size and fit perfectly and if they don’t, you will end up feeling awkward and look bad. For example, if you have a paunch peeping out and you dare to wear the slim fit shirt, god save us all (and of course the pretty girls out here). For your casual looks you could try short jackets with jeans, fitted shirts or T-shirts. In formals, your shirt cuffs shall not visit the territory out of the coats sleeve length and should always be inside to compliment the tasteful look.
Be friends with colors
It’s elusive to think that if you fill up your closet with pieces of black, you’ll have a chic and trendy wardrobe. For, colors play an important role in adding a dash of splash to your wardrobe . Don’t be afraid of challenging yourself to add-on the spark to your wardrobe. Try your hands on trendy suits and cotton blazers in colors like Red, Orange, Green and Blue, which you can match with not only shirts but also T-Shirts and V-neck inners. Try the stand out hued suits, stark shirts and off the record tee’s.
Be careful with vintage clothes
Vintage clothing can make you look like a king but at the same time can ruin your moment, if you act as some wanna be trend-setter. Dilute using the bright details on your trench coats, leather jackets, neutral colored shirts and t-shirts, for they look better when simple and then are in vogue.
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