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10 Astonishing Facts about Puri Jagannath Temple

10 Astonishing Facts about Puri Jagannath Temple

IMAGE 1645674093 10 Astonishing Facts about Puri Jagannath Temple

Shri Jagannath Temple is one of the Char Dham pilgrimages in India and is also known as “Shreekhetra Dham”.

It is located in Puri, Odisha, India. The temple was built by the Ganga Dynasty King Ananta Varman Chodanga Deva in the 12th century.

It is dedicated to Lord Jagannath, Lord Balabhadra, and their sister Goddess Subhadra.

Now let’s understand about few mysteries of Shreekhetra Dham.

Increasing Weight of God’s Wooden Idols

Screenshot 2022 10 05 at 3.01.55 PM 10 Astonishing Facts about Puri Jagannath Temple

Though the idols are made up of wood still they weigh a lot which is out of human imagination.

The increasing weight of God’s wooden idols while carrying them to the chariot(rath)
from the temple at the time of Rath Yatra is still a magical mystery for all. The architecture of the temple is still a riddle for modern science.

The Unruly Flag

fl 10 Astonishing Facts about Puri Jagannath Temple

According to science any piece of cloth or flag always flies in the direction of the wind. But in Jagannath temple this theory contradicts.

The flag mounted on the top of the temple flies in the opposite direction to the wind’s course without any scientific background to back it up.

The Climb

Every day a priest climbs the top of the dome of the temple which is as tall as a 45storeyed building and changes the flag with bare hands without any protective gear.

This ritual is being carried out for the last 1800years and it’s said that if one day also the flag is not changed, then the temple will be shut down for the next 18 years.

The Mystic Charka

download 10 Astonishing Facts about Puri Jagannath Temple

There are two mysteries related to the Sudarshan Chakra or Neel Chakra. The first one strikes how a heavy metal or the Chakra which is made up of Ashtadhatu(8metals) whose
height is 11 feet 8 inches and weighing about tonnes just got up there without any machinery, just with the human force of that century.

The second one deals with the architectural technique of the chakra. It is done in such a way that one can feel the Neel Chakra is facing them irrespective of their position.

No Shadow Play

The structure of the temple is designed in such a way that there is no cast of shadow at any given hour of the day from any direction which is indeed another mouth-gaping engineering prodigy.

A Natural No-Fly Zone

Normally planes fly above the temple or birds fly or sit atop any Indian temple but an exception, in this case, is yet another surprising fact. May be the Lord doesn’t want the
divine view of his temple to be disturbed!

The Conflicting Kitchen

ki 10 Astonishing Facts about Puri Jagannath Temple

The Jagannath Temple kitchen is considered to be the largest and the biggest kitchen in the world having 32 rooms, 250 earthen ovens, and over 600 cooks with 400 assistants who prepare the food which is offered to the Lord and thereafter distributed to the devotees as Prasadam.

Here again, two astonishing facts come, first, the quantity of food cooked always remains the same, neither does it fall short nor goes wasted.

The second fact is that the Prasadam which is cooked in the earthen pots on firewood, exactly seven pots are kept one above the other, enchantingly the topmost one gets cooked first followed by the bottom pot in order.

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The Reverse Breeze

Normally, the sea breeze i.e. the wind blows from sea to land during the daytime, and the reverse happens during the evening. But here the geographical laws are changed.

In Puri, the exact reverse of this phenomenon occurs.

The Sound of Wave

The sea is situated very close to the temple.

The waves hitting the shore is quite audible but the moment one steps inside the temple’s main entrance(i.e. inside the Singha Dwar), no sound waves of the sea can be heard. Again no scientific explanation adds up to this fact.

The Ratna Bhandara

The Ratna Bhandara refers to the mysterious treasury of Lord Jagannath Temple. There are a total of seven chambers out of which the temple management uses only the “Bahara Bhandara” and “Bhitara Bhandara” ( outer and inner chamber).

The remaining five chambers have remained closed and untouched for centuries. Though several attacks took place on the temple but surprisingly none of the invaders could ever plunder the treasury of Lord Jagannath.

The Bhandaras are used in “Suna-Vesha” during the Rath Yatra festival.

They are said to have pearls, golden hands, feet, crowns, necklaces, and other treasuries. Aren’t these facts quite stunning and mysterious yet no scientific reasons to back them up?

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