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5 Most Drunken Countries Of The World

5 Most Drunken Countries Of The World

Want to know which ones are the 5 most drunken countries of the world? Take a read… and get inspired!

Andorra, Estonia, Ireland, Czech republic, Lithuania, Drunken Countries, Most Drunken Countries, Best Alcohol In World, East Europe, Europe Tour, Travel Destinations, Travel Blogs, Travel News, travel Articles, Travel Bloggers India, Travel Blog, Stylerug

Andorra seals first spot (in this list only) with an average of 13.31 liters’ alcohol consumed by each person every year. Their national drink is wine, which is consumed by about 45% of its populate, 35% drink beer 20% opt for Spirits.


Lithuania © mareciok Shutterstock 5 Most Drunken Countries Of The World

The second spot goes to Lithuania with about 12.9 liters of the average amount of alcohol consumed per person every year. Their national drink is Midus Mead, which serves about 46% people, 34% opt for Spirits, 12% other, and 8% Wine.

Czech republic

Andorra, Estonia, Ireland, Czech republic, Lithuania, Drunken Countries, Most Drunken Countries, Best Alcohol In World, East Europe, Europe Tour, Travel Destinations, Travel Blogs, Travel News, travel Articles, Travel Bloggers India, Travel Blog, Stylerug
Town in Czech Republic

Third in the list is the beautiful Czech Republic, where each person consumers about 12.69 liters of alcohol every year. The national drink is Becherovka, which is a taste of about 54%, 26% go for Spirits, and 20% Wine.

Andorra, Estonia, Ireland, Czech republic, Lithuania, Drunken Countries, Most Drunken Countries, Best Alcohol In World, East Europe, Europe Tour, Travel Destinations, Travel Blogs, Travel News, travel Articles, Travel Bloggers India, Travel Blog, Stylerug

One of our favorites places in the world, which also happens to be in the bucket list of- must visit countries. Individuals in Ireland consume about 11.92 liters of alcohol every year. The national drink is Guinness, which satisfies around 48% people, 18% indulge themselves in Spirits, while 26% in Wine and 8% other.

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Andorra, Estonia, Ireland, Czech republic, Lithuania, Drunken Countries, Most Drunken Countries, Best Alcohol In World, East Europe, Europe Tour, Travel Destinations, Travel Blogs, Travel News, travel Articles, Travel Bloggers India, Travel Blog, Stylerug

Estonia is last with 11.36 liters of the average amount of the alcohol consumed per person every year. The national drink is Vana Tallinn. 4% people consume Beer, 37% Spirits, and 11% Wine and 11% other.

So, now that you know which country drinks what and their quantity… want to share with us what is your favorite drink?


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