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Best Street Food in Ratangarh, Rajasthan

Best Street Food in Ratangarh, Rajasthan

Street food, ratangarh

Ratangarh, located in the northern part of Rajasthan in the Churu district, is a town that’s very close to my heart. And why wouldn’t it be? After all, this is where my Nani was born and this is where my mother most of her childhood.

While there are some amazing stories about Ratangarh, which you can read here. I am here today, to share with a travel vlog about the street food of Ratangarh, which is spicy, sumptuous, and mouth-watering to say the least.

In the coming videos, I will share the beauty of some historic Havelis and old houses on my YouTube Channel. So do not forget to subscribe it.

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