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Pep Up Your Travel Kit

Pep Up Your Travel Kit

When it comes to traveling, it becomes almost impossible to ignore the unwanted passengers adjacent to you, but that is for later. For now, how about we suggest few gizmos for your travel bag that would not only keep you from boredom, but also add some spice to the whole experience of stepping out, while complementing each other?

Casio G-Shock: –
Casio G-Shock
When Casio launched its first G-Shock watch in 1983 it changed the notion that a watch is a fragile piece of jewellery that needs to be handled with utmost care. And with its new GB series of watches the brand has taken the experience of wrist fashion to the next level. Few of the features of this series include twin sensor, magnetic resistance, 20bar water-resistant and twin eye display. The large protective covers make it mud resistant that enables the wearer to invite some gazes with its bright Led display shining at its best.

LG Optimus 3D:-
LG Optimus 3D
Slim exterior, 1500 mAh battery, NOVA display and a 5MP camera, combined with 720p HD screen, a perfect team to attract admiration and envy from the onlookers. The superfast 1GHz TI OMAP3 processor makes multitasking as easy as it can get and an impatient user like me can surely take a sigh of relief. The Gesture UI with the revolutionary G-Key offers easy to use commands that enable usage of over 15 operations with simple gesture and a single key. For me, the best picture I clicked was that of a rose; romantic ehh!

Skullcandy Fix: –
Skullcandy Fix
You jump up a bit and they fall out, that has been a curse with headphones for long and forever; not anymore. Skullcandy Fix is specially designed to rest comfortably in various positions in ear with uninterrupted tuneage, even during vigorous exercise, making them an ideal partner of your travel kit. Isolate that unwanted noise through the repositioned chambers of Fix for enhances musical experience. And if you are carrying the above phone with you, here is your team for the crime.

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Casio EW-B200C:-
Casio EW-B200C
Casio’s newly launched digital dictionary has twelve contents which include eleven complete Oxford dictionaries of English, French and one Britannica Concise Encyclopedia. And if your gadget buds are greedy for more, then add features like speaking function  that comes with USB cable and earphones enabling you to hear the accurate pronunciation of a word, not that you did not know already.

It has brilliant colour display with high-resolution LCD panels and is equipped with a Multilingual Word and Phrase bank, which helps in getting meaning of any key word or phrase in six different languages.
For literature lovers there is enough works of renowned author’s like- Charles Dickens, George Elliot, O’ Henry and many more to browse through, that however, is not my cup of tea.

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