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Review – The Beer Cafe

Review – The Beer Cafe

The Beer Cafe, Best Beer in Delhi, Travel Blogs, Food Blogs, Food Blogger, Food Bloggers Delhi, Delhi Food, So Delhi, Beer Places Delhi, Delhi Party Places, StyleRug, Sandeep Verma, Food Reviews, The Beer Cafe Review

‘Night-outs and beer go hand-in-hand!’

Whoever said that surely knows how to have fun. For, every night-out that I personally can think of, has resulted in me gulping down quite a bit of beer(s).

Although I do feel resentful later on (no thanks to my beer belly), but then, beer has that mojo and a strong call, that one can hardly avoid it when sitting at a pub or a restaurant.

My one such recent outing was at The Beer Cafe, Saket!

The Beer Cafe, Best Beer in Delhi, Travel Blogs, Food Blogs, Food Blogger, Food Bloggers Delhi, Delhi Food, So Delhi, Beer Places Delhi, Delhi Party Places, StyleRug, Sandeep Verma, Food Reviews, The Beer Cafe Review

Though this was not my first visit to the place, there was something different this time around. Intrigued, I checked up on it and found that they have this new thing called ‘PYOB’ – Pour Your Own Beer.

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The Beer Cafe, Best Beer in Delhi, Travel Blogs, Food Blogs, Food Blogger, Food Bloggers Delhi, Delhi Food, So Delhi, Beer Places Delhi, Delhi Party Places, StyleRug, Sandeep Verma, Food Reviews, The Beer Cafe Review I enquired more about it and this is what I found.

Pour Your Own Beer i.e. PYOB is an initiative by The Beer Cafe, which allows the customers to pour their own beer, instead of ordering and waiting for the attendant(s) to serve it.


Well, all you have to do is download their app, link your debit card or PayTM to it and walk to the pouring area. Scan the barcode via the app, select what you want to drink from the options available, pour down the beer and the money gets deducted from your account automatically.

As, simple as it sounds!

What I liked most about this idea was not the fact that you could just pour your own beer at your own pace and comfort, but the fact that it allows the customers to engage with the place, which is so very vital to sustaining a successful brand in the hospitality industry.

Full points to The Beer Cafe on that front!

While I am at it, I would also like to mention that if you step inside The Beer cafe and come out of it without eating their Kolawari Fried Chicken, then you have missed out on one of the best chicken items that you could ever have. It is just out of this freaking world!

The Beer Cafe, Best Beer in Delhi, Travel Blogs, Food Blogs, Food Blogger, Food Bloggers Delhi, Delhi Food, So Delhi, Beer Places Delhi, Delhi Party Places, StyleRug, Sandeep Verma, Food Reviews, The Beer Cafe Review The Beer Cafe, Best Beer in Delhi, Travel Blogs, Food Blogs, Food Blogger, Food Bloggers Delhi, Delhi Food, So Delhi, Beer Places Delhi, Delhi Party Places, StyleRug, Sandeep Verma, Food Reviews, The Beer Cafe Review

I also tried my hands on their Beerjito and was quite impressed with its aroma and taste. No to mention; ‘the kick.

My friend who was there with me that evening happens to be an architect in making and she had her own views about the place.

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These are her words “From lighting to seating, bar-counter to flooring everything is perfectly designed at The Beer Cafe. I personally liked the flooring pattern in their outlet, which looks quite simple but gives a very nice feel to it. The front façade provides a view to the outside, making it a very interactive space, which goes at sync with their current activity of PYOB.”

The Beer Cafe, Best Beer in Delhi, Travel Blogs, Food Blogs, Food Blogger, Food Bloggers Delhi, Delhi Food, So Delhi, Beer Places Delhi, Delhi Party Places, StyleRug, Sandeep Verma, Food Reviews, The Beer Cafe Review The Beer Cafe, Best Beer in Delhi, Travel Blogs, Food Blogs, Food Blogger, Food Bloggers Delhi, Delhi Food, So Delhi, Beer Places Delhi, Delhi Party Places, StyleRug, Sandeep Verma, Food Reviews, The Beer Cafe Review The Beer Cafe, Best Beer in Delhi, Travel Blogs, Food Blogs, Food Blogger, Food Bloggers Delhi, Delhi Food, So Delhi, Beer Places Delhi, Delhi Party Places, StyleRug, Sandeep Verma, Food Reviews, The Beer Cafe Review

I would also like to point out one more fact here. And that is – They don’t screw your brew.

Usage of clean water is of utmost importance for making good beer and The Beer Cafe prides itself in following international standards.

The Beer Cafe, Best Beer in Delhi, Travel Blogs, Food Blogs, Food Blogger, Food Bloggers Delhi, Delhi Food, So Delhi, Beer Places Delhi, Delhi Party Places, StyleRug, Sandeep Verma, Food Reviews, The Beer Cafe Review The Beer Cafe, Best Beer in Delhi, Travel Blogs, Food Blogs, Food Blogger, Food Bloggers Delhi, Delhi Food, So Delhi, Beer Places Delhi, Delhi Party Places, StyleRug, Sandeep Verma, Food Reviews, The Beer Cafe Review

You can read all about it in the interview that I did with Rahul Singh, CEO & Founder, The Beer Café.

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I have always been a great admirer of this place, be it whatever location I am at. And for those who are yet to visit The Beer Cafe, there is only one thing that I can tell you – you have not been to the right places for beer!

Images Courtesy: Aashna Chhatwal (Except for the feature image)

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