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5 Great Reasons to Arrive at an Event by Helicopter to Impress a Client

5 Great Reasons to Arrive at an Event by Helicopter to Impress a Client

Helicopter ride

There are many ways in which a commercial organisation can go about impressing potential clients when trying to build a relationship and win a contract. Sales figures and a sound business plan which has reaped previous success is likely to be an attraction, as is having a robust digital marketing strategy, helped by having a happy and professional team of employees.

Not being afraid to ask for advice when required is a sign of strength sadly lacking in today’s world, while having a good ethical ethos throughout the company and doing things in the right way is often admired. Impressions are also vitally important.

Here are 5 reasons why a helicopter ride to attend an event are bound to impress a client and maybe seal an important deal.

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  1. Arrivingby helicopter shows a real statement of intent. It shows an organisation that is not afraid to invest to help them in the long run. It will present the impression of a company that wants to reach the next level fast, just like the helicopter ride compared to the competition that is travelling slowly by road that might eventually arrive when the fun is done and dusted.
  2. The time that is saved, is time that can be spent more productively, whether it is sitting in negotiations or relaxing while enjoying corporate hospitality which can also grease the wheels of a client. That will be a client who feels valued and important as they are given the VIP treatment compared to when they were asked to take public transport to a previous engagement. Perhaps among the small talk when relaxed might be the secrets of creating an ultimate man’s cave.
  3. What better way to get to see more places than using taking a helicopter ride? It can mean that business can be concluded at a hotel near the airport in a special meeting room before heading off to enjoy relaxation and fun later in the day, even doubling it up if there is something worth attending in the evening, which would not be possible if having to get there by road.
  4. Being taken to the helicopter by a chauffeur before boarding the craft, which is flown by a qualified pilot, allows time to sit back, relax, perhaps with a refreshing drink to enjoy views of a city like never before. It might be to show a client a planned development or merely allow them to enjoy the amazing sightseeing tour that is included in the flight.
  5. Arriving in style will certainly not go unnoticed by other attendees who will also be impressed and could be inclined to form a relationship with the hosts. A client could well enjoy the limelight that it provides, as it will certainly provide a topic of conversation which acts as a form of free advertising for the company who has organised it.

Arriving at an event by helicopter creates a great impression, saves huge chunks of time, and makes those onboard feel extra special.

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