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5 Reasons Why Mountain Biking is Fly AF

5 Reasons Why Mountain Biking is Fly AF

5 Reasons Why Mountain Biking is Fly AF, Adventure Sports, Mountain Biking, StyleRug, Virat Kohli, Shah Rukh Khan, Travel Blog, Travel Blogger, Travel Bloggers Delhi, Travel Bloggers India, India Travel Blog, Digital Influencers

Have you ever wondered what prompts certain people to take a bike and roll it down a mountainside just for the heck of it? Insanity, for the most part!

But, there are other crucial factors that make mountain biking one of the most rewarding extreme sport in the world.
5 Reasons Why Mountain Biking is Fly AF, Adventure Sports, Mountain Biking, StyleRug, Virat Kohli, Shah Rukh Khan, Travel Blog, Travel Blogger, Travel Bloggers Delhi, Travel Bloggers India, India Travel Blog, Digital Influencers

Unlike jumping out of an airplane, which might only be beneficial for de-clogging your sinuses, mountain biking is an extreme sport that promotes a myriad of health benefits in addition to being fly AF! Here is what you need to know before you take on your first descent into becoming the coolest cat on the block.

A daredevil is born

But not the blind kind of daredevil that Alec Baldwin tried to be, he’s just ridiculous. No, mountain biking is truly a cathartic experience, transforming your perception of the world around you and of your own life as well. It broadens your horizons and it sparks a thirst for adventure in your mind, body, and soul like nothing else.

There are few experiences in life as exhilarating and life-changing as balancing a two-wheeler down an almost 90° descent into oblivion, and the cheering crowd at the finish line helps too!

Women love daredevils

You think you need five foolproof tricks to make women love you? What a joke, you only need one – become a daredevil. Women (and men for that matter) go nuts over bad boys, and especially over bad boys that walk the walk in addition to talking the talk.

So put your money where your mouth is, put it into fifth gear, and witness the collective female community bow down before the irresistible charms only a daredevil can have.

It’s a killer workout

If there is anything more appealing than a mountain biker in his gear, it’s a mountain biker that’s also sexy AF without it. Fortunately, with mountain biking, you don’t need to supplement your appearance with regular boring trips to the gym, as you’ll get all the benefits of regular weight-lifting with this killer workout.

5 Reasons Why Mountain Biking is Fly AF, Adventure Sports, Mountain Biking, StyleRug, Virat Kohli, Shah Rukh Khan, Travel Blog, Travel Blogger, Travel Bloggers Delhi, Travel Bloggers India, India Travel Blog, Digital Influencers

Jumping, steering, pedaling and holding on to dear life is an amazing total-body workout that will torch fat and build muscle faster than you can say “bicep curls are boring”. Before you set on your quest to become a buff through adventure though, be sure to gather all the necessary protective gear and make sure you have two of everything, such as 661 helmets, gloves, boots, and shock-resistant clothing.

Never skimp on protective gear – it might end up saving your life.

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It allows you to de-stress

Mountain biking is not just an amazing body workout; it’s an amazing workout for your soul and peace of mind as well. There’s nothing quite like going to the great outdoors, inhaling the fresh mountain air and surrounding yourself with the peace and tranquility only nature can provide.

The fresh mountain air combined with physical exertion and a shot of adrenaline will banish all past, present and future problems from your mind and soul, allowing you to wholeheartedly embrace the beauty of life right in that very moment. When you ride, nothing else matters.

It boosts your confidence

Finally, mountain biking will boost your confidence. While a gym session might spike your testosterone levels for a few hours, an adrenaline-filled session like this will elevate your confidence to a completely new level, in addition to having long-term effects on your self-esteem and well-being.

You will instantly feel more powerful and able to take on the world. Everyday challenges will become insignificant compared to the beast you have to conquer each time you begin your descent. You will crush your goals, and you will walk taller than ever before.

Extreme sports are popular for a reason – they are exhilarating, rewarding and they shape you as a strong human being. Mountain biking truly takes the toll as one of the most powerful and beneficial sport in the world, so make sure you keep these five reasons in mind when you step onto the platform and look down on a bright future that awaits.

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