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Four Tips To Add That Quirky Essence To Your Home This Summer

Four Tips To Add That Quirky Essence To Your Home This Summer

Even the most well-planned homes need a makeover, occasionally. And no, it doesn’t necessarily need to be major changes, we might not have the budget & time for the same but some minor modifications wouldn’t hurt!

And during summers; as it is the hottest period of the year, whereas the temperature rises, people prefer staying indoors & there can be no better way than revamping your space inside to uplift your mood.

Here are 4 tips suggested by the founder of to quirk up your home:

Wall art

Funky wall art speaks volumes about one’s personality; it could range from beliefs, quotes, and paintings to a statement piece that relates to professional or personal philosophy.

Paintings, hangings, and wall art 1 Four Tips To Add That Quirky Essence To Your Home This Summerquirky pieces are some of the ways to style the walls of your home. Creating a photo corner on one of the walls adds an element of uniqueness, therefore, using frames of all colors and shapes for photographs makes it visually attractive.

Want to save space while decorating your wall; use your bike as a wall piece as this would prove to be both functional as well as beautifying and super cool. Utilize quirky wall hooks to create storage e.g.: hang a collection of accessories or hats to add a visual twist to your wall. Be careful not to create a visual overload.

Colors & prints

Experimenting with colors and prints while revamping your home is a great technique. Using vibrant colors such as magenta pink, sunshine yellow, bright orange, and strong red spreads cheer in the room.

wall art 2 Four Tips To Add That Quirky Essence To Your Home This Summer

Neutral color lovers can stick to the basics and add an element by painting one wall using a vibrant color. Using printed wallpaper is another idea to infuse some fun. Using colors such as aqua blue, coral, tropical pink, turquoise etc creates a calming effect.

Prints such as abstract, floral or graphic are versatile and can be incorporated in upholstery, wall art, drapes, artifacts etc.

Planters & storage

Adding planters is a great way to up the green quotient of your home; it not only brings us closer to nature but also adds a sense of freshness to space.

Adding hanging planters with colorful flowers can give your home a more outdoor effect. Ditch the traditional planters for unique shaped planters available.

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plants Four Tips To Add That Quirky Essence To Your Home This Summer

Enough storage is one of the sought-after concepts. There are so many quirky ways to store goods. Using a ladder as a bookshelf is a great space saving style. All mothers would agree that using printed or bold colored boxes can be a great way to keep kids clutter away & utilize any part of the room while looking graceful.

Furniture which is multipurpose such as chairs or couches with storage below for DVDS, books etc can be utility driven purchase. Many a time, space goes waste especially in corners; this can be used for fancy basket driven storage which adds some element in the room.

Upholstery & more

You don’t need to do away with old furniture, but revamp the cover & bring back life to it! Add curtains from floor to ceiling for an illusion of height even if there are shorter windows. Another useful technique is to add a mirror in the room to make it look huge.

Create a quirky focal point in the room by adding a piece that stands out. Using a mix & match of cushion covers or creating a distinct cover for furniture with a blend of colors can be a great way to add to the quirky essence of the room.

Revise the conventional dining set chairs for something more unique such as a bench or swing chairs Eccentric patterns of upholstery is contemporary in nature.

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